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New Dayz Standalone clan starting up before alpha launch

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Who we are:

We are a new clan just starting up, we haven't even gotten all the clan specifications down just yet and are now we are just starting to find members. We had a clan before for "Warz" but when it died so to did our clan we couldn't seem to find a game that all of our old members wanted to play instead and so we disbanded. 

The idea behind this clan is a quasi-military group of survivors made with the sole purpose to not just survive but thrive. This is NOT a bandit clan. With all of the new non-lethal options being given to us in the standalone we want to take a non aggressive approach to playing. Helping the random survivors when we come across them trading supplies and possibly information on other survivors they had come across in the same server. However killing any of us will turn out very badly for those who try and when we find or hear of players slaying others for sport we will hunt them down.


What we want out of Dayz:

Dayz is a game of experiences that you create for yourself and others and as such we want dayz and our clan to stand out from the rest. We want our members to not focus so much on the "End Game" but creating stories within the game. We do wish to do some minor roleplaying and roleplaying members that are really into it will be kept together in the squads. Our eventual goal is to find another clan to become "Rivals" with and choose 1 server that we fight over and create stories together without scripts or planned scenes or anything just make it as realistic as possible.


Do we shoot on sight:

The short answer is NO. The long answer is; As stated above we wish to take a non hostile approach to the game our first response to unknown players is to separate and take cover with one person approach WITHOUT your gun drawn and contact them. Now if they take hostilities to us first by all means blow their heads off.


Where we are now:

As I stated above we are not completely together just yet. We are providing a Teamspeak3 service for our members to start so no waiting for clan wide chat. Once we are properly set up we will have a sort of military style ranking however we will not hound you on "Staying in line" that is why its Quasi-military and not regular military. The idea of this game world supports rag tag disorganization but we do want some form of order and in reality that is what a group would try to create.


Clan rules and Registration:

Since we are a NON bandit clan being a bandit while in our clan will kill your current character and ban you from the clan. Cheating, spamming, glitching, or otherwise abusing game mechanics is prohibited and continual abuse will find you removed from the clan. We will be using ts3 for most of our clan based interactions so having a mic is definitely a plus. Be somewhat active within the clan itself and don't be afraid to share your opinions. We will require new applicants to log into ts3 and have a form of "Interview" with us mostly as a small formality. Please also fill out the questions on the application fully and honestly short answers or single word answers will lead to non consideration.


You can find us at our website  


Edited by gears1992
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Hey everyone,

Great clan recommend giving it a try, as stated in op we are a newly formed clan and we are still getting all the clan specifications down.

Now would be a great time to join and put your input into the clan and express your ideas.

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We are looking for more players who are able to play on GMT/ BST time zones. if you can't play on the timezones you are still welcome to join the Clan.

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 However killing any of us will turn out very badly for those who try and when we find or hear of players slaying others for sport we will hunt them down.


Challenge Accepted.

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Its all good im a dirty rotten KOS everyone I meet type that is generally hated around here... at the very least it will be fun for all involved, I love me a good clan feud ;)


also consider this a friendly bump seeing as nothing I do in game will be "friendly" ;)

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