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Looking for Aussie/NZ Epoch group

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Well, ive been playing DayZ for a good 10 months now and I am now living for 50+ hours, having good gear within the first few hours, been playing tactically and sending my self out on bandit hunts and am getting a bit lonely. I have been playing with a couple of guys on a NZ server (5 of us to be exact) and am the marksman/sniper of the group. But they only play on normal DayZ servers and I started playing Epoch a week ago and want to start on a base with a few people, I am 15 and mature, am NOT a bandit, very friendly unless provoked or under threat. I just want to maybe start even a clan, or just a small group to play on Epoch servers

Edited by TheOtherSide
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I am Also looking for Aussie mates to join an have a good game an kill some Bandits, I get lonely lone wolfing it lol

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yeh im interested been betrayed alot people use me then change everything need to start playing with AU/NZ people add me on steam if there is any free spots:


Steam: DeathGripper

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Hey all,

I have been keeping my eye out for any small/medium sized clans that are based around Epoch. If you end up finding one or just want to play with a small group hit me up. My email is nicDAYZ@mail.com or send me a message through my profile. I am an experienced mature player with Ts3 and a Mic in case you were wondering :P I am currently and have been for a while admin of a great Epoch server with a whole bunch of really friendly players. Shoot me a message if you start banding together a team/group :)



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Hey, if you're still open, I'm cool for it?

Edited by Verlux

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