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OutlawZ Gaming - DayZ Epidemic, Hunting Grounds and Epoch

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We would like to invite all players, no matter what your play style, to join us on our servers!


Currently we have a DayZ Epidemic and DayZ Hunting Grounds server and we are preparing to launch a DayZ Epoch server very soon, we are just waiting for the Dev's to release the latest update because of the big changes coming! We will also be doing a custom DayZ server aswell once the Epoch server is up and running.


We don't rent our servers, they are all run on our own dedicated server so there is no overloading which just causes to much server lag!


We have a good group of active admins who are always willing to help players out when needed and I can guarantee there is no admin abuse at any time!


Once we start getting more members we will also be starting to do some weekly community events, things like Battle Royale or ArmA 2/3 coop missions etc.


For more info here is a list of links:


Main website: http://www.outlawzgaming.com

Server Info: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_servers.php

Server Rules: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_rules.php

Admin Info: http://www.outlawzgaming.com/dayz_admins.php


We look forward to playing with you on our servers!

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Our Epoch server is now up and running! So far we have added:


  • Remove Clothes
  • Trading Cities safe zones
  • Trading cities backpack protection (nobody can access your backpack while in trading cities)

We are in the proccess of working on custom bases and cities for the map and a completely custom mission system!


Beyond that we won't be adding much more, we prefer to keep it as close to vanilla as possible but we will always be open to suggestions and will add things if we think it will benefit the community.


Don't forget this is a completely new database so now would be a good time to join and get your base started!

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