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Exp player LF small team

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Looking for a small team max 5 or so to play some dayz with. I would prefer to play on an epoch server because it is just better in every way imo. 


I have played hundreds of hours in both vanilla and bmrf servers.


I used to lead my own group but i am not interested in leading anyone atm unless enough individuals PM me that they want to start a group then i will


I am pvp centered, but not a mindless bandit that kills fresh spawns, i don't hesitate to take someone out if i or my group has things we don't want gone obv. 


I live in California but I play at night any day from 5pm-7am, the only days i cannot play are on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5pm-10pm pst (College)


Please have some EXP in firefights, to many times have i had to calm down squad mates because they fill vent/ts/Skype with useless jabber in serious situation E.g OMG ZEDS ON ME... OOOP IM DEAD, GUYS IM DEAD. I think in a squad v squad fight you should handle zombie problems on your own and not tell the team unless it is a legitimate concern of ours 


I am not a tight ass I just like a calm vent when we are trying to kill and not be killed :)


Pm/add me on Skype or Steam for any questions 


Steam ID: Indoc

Skype ID: JacobHplus

Age: 18 

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Legion of Honor is recruiting






See our recruitment post for details: Legion of Honor is recruiting again!


We have a minimum age requirement of 16. Our members are friendly and respectful, as well as active. Legion of Honor always kicks ass.

Come hang with us on TS! IP is

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If you're looking for a new server, we're a european based server which is newly made so there is little lag!

The Server mod is EPOCH

server ip:


CRS Church Road Soldiers (600+ Vehicles, Active Admin, Dynamic Weather, AI patrol - foot and air, base building, custom buildings) 


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