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If I had a dollar for every time my leg broke...

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I was forced to today about 3 times... tried for 1 hr each time hoping to get lucky.. Seems zombies break my legs easily.

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Usually i try to stock at least 2 morphines with me at all times.

The breaking bone rate is ridicolous atm, as was the bandage/bleeding on

Zombie Hits -> Bleeding -> Bandage -> Another Hit -> Bleeding Again -> No Bandages -> Suicide.

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I've had a few broken legs from the ladder bug in an older version... In a dozen hours of regular game-play, I think I've stepped off a ledge by accident and broken a leg once, helped another person who was down, once, and have been given broken bones by zombies only rarely (could go days without it happening) -- and each time I had morphine.

In the new patch where you don't spawn with morphine, it makes it more important to raid a hospital ASAP to last in the long-term.

Zombie Hits -> Bleeding -> Bandage -> Another Hit -> Bleeding Again -> No Bandages -> Suicide.
Rule #1 - Cardio. If you've got more pissed off zombies than you can currently shoot at' date=' [b']RUN, don't even think about doing anything about them until your character is running away from the horde. Even if you're bleeding, there's no point applying a bandage while the zombies are still eating you, you've got to run into a large building to buy time, or otherwise lose them (or if you're weak you can just log out while bleeding :p).

If you're raiding a city, run for the loot you're looking for. Get in, grab it while the zombies figure out the door (they don't walk through walls as much in the new patch, and might even open doors before walking through them). Large buildings like warehouses, fire-stations, supermarkets and offices can be used to quickly grab some loot (probably not all of it) and lose the horde that's chasing you.

If it's a dense city, run through fence gates and alleyways -- changing direction and losing LOS should get some off your tail.

N.B. you might want to start walking again if on noisy surfaces (assuming you gain a bit of a lead by running around a corner/etc), because the noise from you running on concrete will still let the zombies know where you are after you've lost them. Try not to run into buildings with only one entrance though, unless it's manageable -- e.g. having only 1 zombie chase you around a table so you can get back out the door.

If you're in the country-side, then just keep running the direction you were heading anyway. If there's any obstacles, like rocks/fences/trees around, you can use these to gain a second to turn around and take a shot (if you've got a weapon), or you can just weave through them anyway with the small chance of losing the zombie. Zombies can have trouble figuring out how to get up hills/etc, so you can use the terrain to get away usually while still travelling. If you were heading to a town to loot it, you can just sprint into it with zombies chasing you (follow the above about alleys and fences and buildings), but any players around are going to be watching the scene with interest.

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I've had a few broken legs from the ladder bug in an older version... In a dozen hours of regular game-play' date=' I think I've stepped off a ledge by accident and broken a leg [i']once, helped another person who was down, once, and have been given broken bones by zombies only rarely (could go days without it happening) -- and each time I had morphine.

In the new patch where you don't spawn with morphine, it makes it more important to raid a hospital ASAP to last in the long-term.


With the new patch i have a few things to do before adventuring:

Get a gun, then raid balota's deer stands for a good primary.

After that, i run to the woods north and make my way to cherno, thru the woods, and raid the hospital on the north exit.

I also check the apartments for ammo, a better secondary, camouflage and backpack.

Make sure to always have 2 Bandages, Morphines and Painkillers.

If you're playing with a friend, a couple of Bloodbags also help.

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I always carry 1-2 morphines on me but recently even that hasn't been enough. I'm currently dragging my broken, maimed body across the forests trying to get back to my tents hoping they haven't been wiped on my server yet because I broke my legs- not once, not twice, but- thrice in the space of about 15 minutes. Perhaps I'm just unlucky, but I can definitely empathize with OP.

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Look this is going to sound really n00b-ish...

But how do you get into the hospitals? like ive emptied a mak mag into the glass and nothing happens...

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Look this is going to sound really n00b-ish...

But how do you get into the hospitals? like ive emptied a mak mag into the glass and nothing happens...

The glass doors/windows take quite a few rounds to shatter and the Makarov is probably the weakest firearm in the game. Keep shooting, the glass will eventually break.

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Look this is going to sound really n00b-ish...

But how do you get into the hospitals? like ive emptied a mak mag into the glass and nothing happens...

Use cans or bottles, save your ammo.

On the topic, yeah I break bones as much as I bleed out.

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I've only had one bad experience with a broken leg, and my partner ended up running from the middle of Chernarus all the way down to Elektro and then back up to me again to give me morphine. -_- That was one hell of a wait

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