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Fear Clan Recruiting Members For Epoch Pvp And Pve!!

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Fear Clan

We Are Looking For Active Members Who Love To Play Epoch.

You Must Be Able To Use Team Speak AsWell.

Heres A Application Templete You Need To Fill Out,Make Sure To Post It In The Comments.

Once You Fill It Out Join Are Team Speak So I Can Talk To You.

Also Forgot To Say We Share A Team Speak And Our Own Personal which is also public Server With About 8 or 9 other clans we pvp alot also pve very active clan!


If You Love Hanging Out And Building Sick Bases,Looting, And Pvping Against Other Clans We Are For You!!!!!


Application Template:




Time Zone:

How often do you play:

When are you on the most:

What do you want to bring to Fear?:

Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc):

When Done Join This TeamSpeak:



Edited by Mr.Fatality

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Name: Vasain

Age: 21

Timezone: Eastern

How often do you play: Almost every day

When are you on the most: Evenings, but can play mornings if needed

What do you want to bring to fear?: Whatever im told, I am great at scavenging though

Preferred class: Assault or Support

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Name: George (TheOtherSide in game)

Age:15 1/2

Time Zone: Austrlian Eastern Daylight saving

How often do you play: Most afternoons through the weekdays, all weekend

When are you on the most:Weekends

What do you want to bring to Fear?: A guy with an aussie accent, well, that and I am a handy shot at medium to long range with snipers, and short to medium range with anything else, except pistols

Preferred class(Assault, Medic, Support, Sniper, Grenadier, etc):Sniper/Assault

Edited by TheOtherSide

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