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Remix (DayZ)

[ANZ] Finally geared up, too scared to explore..

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Hey if your are interested in playing with some aussies/nz come join our teamspeak on

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Teamed up with this guy (REmix)... arranged via skype to meet him in a barn' date=' came into the barn with 1 agroed zed. Pistol out and downed it. Remix disconnects and connects to a different server "cos he heard shots". I join 2nd server (we are both in barn now), give him a spare aks-kobra with about 5 clips.. he takes it, disconnects because "he thought i was going to shoot him".

Thread should read : [ANZ'] Finally geared up, scared and i'm a dirty disconnecting noob.

PS: if i see you again i will shoot you

EDIT: we did travel together for a while, so he's not a bandit looking for prey or anything. cant wait for the update that fixes the disconnect exploit

...What? Are you actually serious?

- Communication/server problems were evident with the disconnection, which I made very clear to you via skype (I think you had the same issues, too).

- I didn't ask for the gun, you gave it to me. I also didn't disconnect anytime after you gave the gun, so your memory has failed you mate.

- We traveled for over an hour together, but your leg broke from a zombie attack and I had no morphine to heal you.

- You disconnected and told me to message you if I found morphine.

- I spent the next hour proning through Cherno trying to get morphine for you.

- I died from a sniper and messaged you on skype.

I have no idea why you decided to bump this topic after all this time and then provide an extremely misinformative message, as I remotely enjoyed the hour or so we played together. I'm gonna assume that because I made no effort to meet up with you in-game again somehow effected you enough for you to warrant making a ridiculous post on this thread.

On a more positive note, the few people I have managed to meet up with from this thread (and continued to play with because they were awesome!) are still roaming Chernarus with me, exploring on our extremely manly bicycles. Cheers guys!

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I have no idea why you decided to bump this topic after all this time and then provide an extremely misinformative message' date=' as I remotely enjoyed the hour or so we played together. I'm gonna assume that because I made no effort to meet up with you in-game again somehow effected you enough for you to warrant making a ridiculous post on this thread.


no, look. when i hooked up with you i didnt think anything bad of you disconnecting at every sign of danger, because i had no idea that it was such a big issue. weeks later, after reading a whole heap of threads about it, i have to agree that its a crappy thing to do. So then i thought of you.

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i had no idea that it was such a big issue. weeks later' date=' after reading a whole heap of threads about it, i have to agree that its a crappy thing to do. So then i thought of you.


So the disconnecting exploit that other players have been using has never affected you once, but yet you somehow feel obliged to create a fake story to pretend like it has? Right.

I don't know why you have a correlation between the disconnecting exploit and a two-week old memory of when I was kicked from a server twice with you, but okay.

How about you share a real experience about how an issue in DayZ HAS affected you, rather than trying to create your own story at the cost of others.

Here, I'll go first:

I think there should be an easier way to meet up with people we want to play with, rather than having to cipher through absolute twat-heads like yourself who clearly cannot comprehend social normalities.

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i know you wont admit to it, few people would.

Over and OUT

edit: i've never disconnected during any kind of trouble, ever. i love it when it all goes wrong and your hearts racing a million miles an hour. To disconnect would ruin that experience.

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i've never disconnected during any kind of trouble' date=' ever. i love it when it all goes wrong and your hearts racing a million miles an hour. To disconnect would ruin that experience.


That's great, I'm super proud of you.

Seeing as you've failed to acknowledge anything I've said, I suggest you stop replying and go back to being so incredibly good at this game. All by yourself.

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A friend and I have been sniping around Cherno and Electro on ANZ and the other aust servers over the past week, simply because we have NVGs, DMR and ghillie suit, and that's pretty much the first thing you think to do when you get good gear. The thrill of murdering poor weaponless noobs is over though, so I'll tell you what to do to avoid getting murdered:

noob snipers will set up in the high buildings in the city; pro snipers will set up in the woods behind the city, and prey on the noob snipers and anyone entering or exiting the city. My friend and I will set up in a night server or an unpopulated american one, then join Australian servers and keep swapping servers until we find some noob on the roof of one of the buildings. There is nothing of value on any building roof, so there is never a point to going up there. Spots we would use were the small hills south of Cherno spawn (the beach just east of the city), the woods up in the hills directly north of Cherno, or the woods north west, where you can hit guys on the buildings, in the fields below, or entering from the west. Most snipers dont have NVGs, but some such as my friend and I do, which means as soon as you move anywhere in his field of view you will be spotted, even when it's pitch black.

probably the best place to enter Cherno is from the east, along the road. If there is some guy campin the hospital then he will get you, but all the best sniper spots wont cover that entry.

another thing to consider is hiding your main weapon somehwere (if you have one, and only have the smallest backpack) because going into cherno with a weapon can actually be more dangerous than having one. even the coldest killer will sometimes hesitate briefly to shoot a poor beanbanger who has no weapon and looks like he just got the game. if you run into someone who is gonna shoot you, likely he will be some bandit with an automatic weapon who will fuck you up anywya

also, if you aggro the zombies then for christ sake's just abort and come back. I know it's gamey but you may as well do it whilst you can, because everyone else does it without hesitation. the most dangerous thing about zombies in this game is the fact that they instantly show your position to anyone in a 1km radius

finally, if you come under fire from a sniper, you gotta sprint and zig zag to the nearest cover then abort. it's tough to get in practice on running targets in this game, so most people will have difficulty hitting you. again aborting is gamey, but think of it as a "fuck you" to the bastard out in the hills who is sniping weaponless noobs

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Seeing as you've failed to acknowledge anything I've said' date=' I suggest you stop replying and go back to being so incredibly good at this game. All by yourself.



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A friend and I have been sniping around Cherno and Electro on ANZ and the other aust servers over the past week' date=' simply because we have NVGs, DMR and ghillie suit, and that's pretty much the first thing you think to do when you get good gear. The thrill of murdering poor weaponless noobs is over though, so I'll tell you what to do to avoid getting murdered:



Cheers for the info mate! I'll definitely keep that in mind next time I'm heading through Cherno/Elektro.

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Another thing you could try; there have been plenty of times that I've shot crawling zombies thinking they are people. It would be really easy actually to emulate the crawlers; you just need to change directions randomly like the zombies do. In the dark or at anything past close range no one would be able to tell the difference without actually getting in close (or zooming down the scope) to check you out, which plenty of people cbf doing.

I might actually try crawling around in Cherno like this and see how I go, rofl

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