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garack (DayZ)

Dayz Epoch ( New | German | English | Fresh and New Database October | Sarge AI | Auto Refuel | Trader Safezones | Active Admins | Anti

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New Server - Brand New database!! Build your home it stays forever !


Trader Zones Bash/Stary/Klen - Safezone, Godmode is on so you can trade and dont get killed.


Hero/Bandit Trader -  Full PvP


Sarge AI - Fight against Bandits Heros or Soldier NPC; They attack each other, Zeds and you depending on your humanity. You can Loot them..


Fresh Database and Server - Still much good vehicles on the map;


Custom Trader table - No Pipe Bombs: No on should destroy your base


Bases are forever! We maintain the DB by hand.


Cooming soon: Server Events, Missions, Lifting ect..After is deployed.

Edited by garack

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