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[VoP] DayZ Structured Tactical Survival Group Recruiting (New)

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About Us


The Vision Of Perfection is a structured tactical survival group which focuses of structured operations in which players are divided in various squads. Through Teamspeak 3, our unit operates by using proper radio communication and in-game squad tactics to take part in various different operations. Our values are

  • “Let nothing compromise collective survival”.
  • “Leave no one behind”
  • “Take care of our own”




Our unit is currently deployed in the worlds Top 10 Server DE 1000 and we have establishes a forward operations base.


Search and Destroy Operations

Our unit is fully equipped. We search and destroy all players in the server to ensure our survival.


Crash Mission Operations
We secure crash missions to acquire high value military loot.

Tactical Training Operations

Players are divided in multiple teams and practice various different scenarios to prepare for the above operations.



Our Forward Operations Base




This base has the following features:


  • 4 personal offices inside the structure.
  • Secure parking garage capable of storing up to 4 vehicles.
  • Secure Safe with over 500 slots.


Ranks and Structure


Ranking System


0_zpsbc9c8e64.png Recruit

1_zpsc4372c94.png Private

2_zpsc3727cd1.png Corporal

3_zps5f97cf84.png Master Corporal

4_zpsd26298a1.png Sergeant

5_zpsdf2a054b.png Master Sergeant

6_zps1d094aca.png Lieutenant

7_zps3321d27f.png Captain

8_zps6b9cf484.png General




Assault_zpse7f683b0.png Assault

Sniper_zpsb45db7a8.png Sniper

Medic_zpse98cb591.png Support (Medic, Drivers, Pilots, ect..)

Combat_Officer_zps78611bf4.png Combat Officer

Recruiting_Officer_zps54920ea3.png Recruiting Officer

Training_Officer_zps0cc48659.png Training Officer

Commanding_Officer_zps85102897.png Commanding Officer




Upon demonstrating the appropriate level of expertise, individuals can earn the following qualifications in our unit.


Driving_zpsdbc944cf.png Driving Licence

Sailor_zpsff12b9b1.png Boating Licence

Pilot_zps423c9afe.png Pilot Wings


Join Us


Its Simple, join our Teamspeak server, introduce yourself and start playing.


ts3_zps7e0bc592.png Teamspeak 3 Server Address: ts50.gameservers.com:9333



Commanding Officer's Words


Good day to all of you,


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I really enjoy playing Dayz. I have a military background in leadership which i hope to bring to this group to make it fun and exciting. I personally play around 5:30pm - 10:30pm EST on most nights.


Thank you and hope to play with you soon




8_zps6b9cf484.png General PilotVtol

Commanding_Officer_zps85102897.png Commanding Officer


Edited by PilotVtol
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Any chance you can add me on either one these skype ryancollins92 steam ryancollins1992 or join this TS clanwarfare.clants.net ask for Ryan or Hamilton. thanks 

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I added you on steam yesterday, wanted to let you know I got everything up and running, and am ready and rearing to go, sir.

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