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Admin shouts

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Is there a way to make a public admin shout to the server, as in announcing something to the server that everyone can see? Since global and side channels have been disabled our servers have been filling up with people that have the same exact problem. I'd like to help them out instead of having them run around the server doing nothing and filling slots up.

Also, if one of the dev team reads this I think it was a horrible idea removing global chat in the alpha stages. There are so many people with bugs and the people that know how to fix them cant help them because of theres no global.

-Mortek of clan FMF

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Technically, BERcon allows you to send Global announcements through it even if the standard Global chats are disabled for players.

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Bercon works best but even if your in game as long as you are logged in admin you can still switch to global chat.

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While logged in as admin I cannot use global chat at all. I more or less am a glorified player with the ability to boot people.

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While logged in as admin I cannot use global chat at all. I more or less am a glorified player with the ability to boot people.

Works perfectly.

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