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NEW! Friendly EPOCH Server with White List, looking for CLANS

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what country is your server in?


It's based in Germany (we couldn't get a UK server, too expensive)

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What do you mean by KoS abuse? if you mean you can't kill on sight does that mean you have to ask that person whether you can shoot them or not?

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What do you mean by KoS abuse? if you mean you can't kill on sight does that mean you have to ask that person whether you can shoot them or not?


I mean don't be a dick.  There's a fine line between necessary PVP and the douche KoS mentality.  If you're on the airfield for example and there's only two of you looting, why do you need to kill the other person? But if you see a Ural and someone is running for it (for example), then let off a warning shot (or don't, it's your call), if they don't take the hint, then the best shot wins (you killed them out of necessity , survival needs).  But simply killing someone on sight because you can (for no reason other than, oh look another player, kos time) is a dick move and if you still don't get what I'm saying then I'm sorry but I can't explain it any better.  

Edited by urbanskaters
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I am looking for a non pvp server thats password protected/whitelisted that i can play in, I stream live on Twitch and some nights have 70+ viewers so streamsniping is a problem, it would be my self and a few other streamers. let me know

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I am looking for a non pvp server thats password protected/whitelisted that i can play in, I stream live on Twitch and some nights have 70+ viewers so streamsniping is a problem, it would be my self and a few other streamers. let me know


That's ok with me.  PVP is allowed on the server and there's no guarantee that you'll be 100% safe from bandits.  But I hope I've made it clear that KoS douche bags (lol kills, dick players) etc will be dealt with and banned.  At the moment though, it's a pretty quiet server, thanks to the white listing and strict pvp rules ;)

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The D.O.G Clan (Death Or Glory, named after my old disbanded regiment The 17th/21st Lancers) are looking for 3 other small to medium sized clans (between 2-5 members per clan) to share our private Epoch server.  We focus mainly on base building , vehicle acquisition/repairing, zed killing, looting and friendly pvp.  Our admins will set you up with enough building materials and gold to get you going, then you're on your own to make it in the big bad world of Chernarus.  The only rule that we absolutely stick to is that you must declare your intentions to raid another base and that you can't raid bases or steal gear when that clan isn't online (it's only fair that they/we get a chance to defend or gear).  LOL kills and KoS abuse will not be tolerated, I'm not interested in hearing the debate about KoS being an essential part of DayZ, play fair or find another server.  Also NO script kiddies (aka hacking, btw it's not hacking. it's only hacking if you wrote the scripts and coded the bypass yourself. don't do it kids, say no to hacks!)


If you are caught (and the logs are pretty concise) griefing other players gear/bases for the shear hell of it you, then your clan will be perma banned.  The same also goes for abusing players or being racist or sexist in sidechat.  It's common sense really.  Sorry to be so anal, but this game does tend to bring out the worse in people and I try to keep order throught the chaos that is , DayZ! 


One last requirement is that your clan must be active at least 2-3 times a week.  If you're not seen to be active then your clan will be barred from the server and the position passed to another clan application.  


Lets clear up one final matter before I hit POST.  Admins DO NOT have access to map tools or database tools (Only RCon for the sake of kicking and banning players).  I personally (being the server owner) do have access to the database and log files, but you just have to take me on my word that this gives me no more of an advantage over you or your clan (I'd rather be playing the game than sifting through database looking for what gear you have).  Other than that, we run a fair server with a mature admin in command.  So send me your clan applications now and lets get you onboard.


Edited: The server is located in Germany (as we couldn't afford one closer to home, in London, UK)

Me and my three friends are looking for a server like the one you discribed. we furfill the wishes you have and would like to gain access :)

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Me and my three friends are looking for a server like the one you discribed. we furfill the wishes you have and would like to gain access :)


Drop me a private message with you and your friends in-game names plus your GUID's .. I'll get you white listed.. You might want to keep an eye on our official forum thread here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/150052-dayz-epoch-ai-bandits-survivors-side-missions-self-bloodbag-etc too for updates etc.  Currently working on a new mission system, maybe you'll get to test it out for me when you get online.. See screenshot below for what's in store. (those are cut n paste samples, you dont get all the messages at once. just wanted to show it all in one screenshot):



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It's still alive.  But our IP has changed and due to the mess that GameSpy caused along with DayzCommander not updating to the latest Steam patch, we're struggling to get players on.  As most people can't figure the new launcher or steam patch out...


If you want to join, please use the tool below and use the IP listed below too...


DayZ Nomad Epoch IP: Port: 2340
Please connect using this tool: http://dayz.launcher.eu/ 
Instructions here: 

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