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Dortmunder (DayZ)

Epoch help

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Hey guys, maybe one of you can help me.


I'm new to Epoch, and having trouble figuring out the fuel station/generator thing :p


I've landed a helicopter next to a gas station, placed a portable generator, started the generator... but can't figure out how to refuel the helicopter. Do I need another part? Like some sort of fuel line?


The generator is next to the fuel tank, and the heli is about 10m from that. Does it need to be next to the fuel pumps or something instead?

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I don't know if you can use the gas station, you can find a fuel pump in loot spawns. And I think you have to put fuel into the generator or something. So try that. I maybe completely wrong here, sorry if I am. Anyways use the Epoch Wiki that's why it's there

Edited by bozo97

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Depending what server you are on you can make a fuel pump, you need a generator and I believe the item is called a fuel pump, you should then be able to automatically refuel you vehicle.

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Its depends on the scripts going on that server. I have a setup on a no script epoch and it is:


Farm/gas-station type tank + gen + player installed fuel pump

start the gen and place toon in front of pump with vehicle to be filled behind toon, then scroll.   You should be able to get station pump going but you may need a plot pole to make it happen.  You can also use a fuel truck for the supply. In the pic the mv22 can be filled as it sits and the empty spot  behind fuel truck and in front of the mi-17 is a fuel station as well.



Edited by mars1

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