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uk Origins group / clan looking for 1 or 2 more memebers

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were a small group of players that have been playing together for a long time, in many games, were currently playing the day z origins after coming from playing the original.

so a bit about us. were all from england and our ages range from 24-28,we have 5 members currently, but struggling some nights to all get on at the same time (were not looking to be in a massive clan / group). we are a mature group but we do enjoy a bit of banter and fun from time to time, we do alot of scavaging and like to do some pvp also, we are both bandets and heros, were still learning the origins mod as we have yet compleate sector b atm (due to lack on ppl on at the same time)


so heres what were looking form u:

working mic with team speak 3 (we have our own server)

able to speak english well (don't have to be from uk)

ages isn't a massive factor for us as long as your mature and your ego isnt too big :P

we would like a reasonable skill level, but not essential


were on between mon - friday   2pm - 11.30pm  (some times some of the guys finish work earlyer and come on)

weekends 7 am - 10am then again at 7.00 - 2/3am

(these are our main gaming times aprox / some times ppl are on all day e.t.c)

----------UK times zone-----------


for any questions please join our team speak  :  eurots6.gameservers.com:9167

steam : m3thod65

x fire : wpraven

or pm back on these post,


many thx [tool]  jigsaw aka m3thod

Edited by thepolice

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