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Evo (DayZ)

****ANOTHER VIDEO***Game freezes, crashes to desktop

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As the title says, after about 2 or 3 minutes of game play, my game freezes, shoots me back to the desktop, however, it treats my desktop like I'm still in game so I have to alt-tab out still.

Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this?


^^I uploaded a video of my issue, doesn't show exactly what happens on my end, but it's close. I have reinstalled everything, updated my drivers, installed the beta, everything I could think of I did. I've been trouble shooting this for two days.

Any help would be nice. Thanks!


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*Update* Apparently I can still run around as if my game is still up. I hear footsteps and the game in its entirety, just can't see it. I've been trouble shooting this for almost 24 hours to no avail.

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Updated original post with a youtube video for clarity.

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Updated the original thread with a 2nd video from my cellphone so you see my point of view. Sorry for all the bumps, but I am just trying to set a pretty clear scenario of what I am facing. So it can be fixed in an update or if someone can point me in the right direction software wise. This is the only game is happens to, actually it doesn't even happen on vanilla Arma2. Only DayZ mod.

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running dayz + beta 93965?

try post your 10 last lines of arma2oa.rpt (after problem) located in

WINDOWS XP: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2 OA

WINDOWS VISTA / 7: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA

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Bad muzzle direction in MeleeFlashlight:'usti hlavne'-'konec hlavne'


"PLOGIN: Initating"

"PLOGIN: Player Model Exists"

"PLOGIN: Player Ready"

"PLOGIN: Requesting Authentication... (23501318)"


"PLOGIN: authenticated with : ["7030167",[["ItemKnife","ItemFlashlight"],["ItemWaterbottle","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets","ItemBandage"]],["",[[],[]],[[],[]]],[1573,1586,1586],false,"","SurvivorW2_DZ",true,false]"

"Attempting to switch model"



"Swichtable Unit Created. Equipment:"





"Attempting Phase two..."


"player23501318 = player"

Wrong unit index 80 (unit is not in the slot)


This is the last few lines of that file you told me to run. And yes, I am running the beta with the latest update for dayz. I have re-installed twice and this last time I installed and tweaked everything accordingly by hand rather than using the tools.

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you send the last 10 lines after problem occur?

no error on report file...

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