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The Anarchists are a private military funded organisation mainly focused on destroying the corrupted government of Chernarus. When the apocalypse hit we grouped together and started surviving.


The Anarchists arent just a DayZ Clan, we play many mods such as Ace, Life etc. But if you only want to play DayZ that is acceptable but we do have a home base / headquarters in Ace.


Requirements :

  • Mic
  • Arma 2
  • Arma 2 OA
  • Able to download mods ( we can help you )
  • Be able to play at noon ( Australian QLD time )


This is our website, visit it for more info : http://mrhugglepuffchannel.wix.com/anarchists

Comment or email : mrhugglepuffchannel@gmail.com 

Edited by mrhugglepuffchannel

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Hmmmm, I've always hated authority. PM some more information as your website seems a little, less giving on information?

Edited by LancerG2
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Thank you all for the requests to join!

Please add me on Skype for interviews ( i guess ) : Jacob Heremaia

We do not have a teamspeak servr up currently D:

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