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CANT connect to anyserver ever...- REQUESTING AUTHENTICATION

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I had stopped playing DayZ about 1 year ago because the game messed up (i installed the 1st addon mod with a jungle map... cant remember name, which did work).....



I then installed it through steam and the game didnt work...

I uninstalled everything Arma 2 + Exspansion + dayZ and reinstalled

Still didnt work.... so gave up


I have now been trying for 2 days reading many forums etc on how to sort this and i still cant play...



through steam it has been saying Bad version, on the server list page it says:- verion 1.62

Required (in red) 1.62.103419


1 error it throws up is:-

Files"C:\ Programs Files...............\@dayz addons\dayz.pbo

"C:\ Programs Files...............\@dayz addons\dayz_anim.pbo
"C:\ Programs Files...............\@dayz addons\dayz_code.pbo


are not signedby a key accepted by this server. to play on this server, removelisted files or install additional accepted keys.

I deleted all these and they got replaced



It also said ERROR:- addom 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E'




I ran steam as Admin and updated all the games (and run them at least 1 time) and installed the beta version and run it in that mode

and I installed DayZ commander and reinstalled all files and replaced the bad files found...




now its getting onto a server but NOT playing, it gets stuck saying :- REQUESTING AUTHENTICATION

and then times out.

Edited by WalBanger

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i could be wrong, but try the following:


Go to steam and make sure "arma 2 oa beta patch" is installed.


then go dayz commander and tick the following:




After that make sure dayz / beta patch is up to date and then try again.

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Hmmm seems to of worked and i got my old character back some how, who while changing keys from default, Got shoot lol



Thanks anyway :)

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