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How do you enter town safely as a lone wolf?

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Type "Is anyone in [Town Name] friendly? I'm entering from the [direction] so please don't shoot! lol!"


nb. the 'lol' may save your life.

Hello there

This is probably the best advice, it also helps if you kill any zombies in the area with your pistol, it will also alert other players of your location so they can help.

If it's night time the best advice is to use your flares to help other players find you so you can team up.

It can't go wrong.



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It depends on whether or not you're on public or private hives and how geared you are. I don't play on too many public servers any more but when I did, I would work the system to my advantage. I hated people who sniped from the North hill so I did whatever I could to kill them. Sometimes I would find a zero population server, head to the backside of that hill, log out, then log back in to the server I normally played on. Sneak up, kill anyone I found there, take their gear and forget about ever going into Elektro. 

On a private server simply knowing where the snipers might be posted up, (hills or rooftops but might be different for every server), then use the surrounding hills and buildings to block the sight lines of those spots. Worst case scenario and you absolutely feel the need to go in but don't want to die? Swim out into the water from down the coast and slowly work your way inbound. Elektro has a decent amount of stuff right up to the water in spots so you might find a path that keeps you alive a lot longer. The downside to doing that is its very slow and I only did it when there was a large gang of people roaming the town and I had planned on trying to ambush them, (why I needed to go in geared and stay alive).

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Always paranoid about snipers etc, especially on high population servers. For example if going into elektro, from the east or west, how do you enter and go through town? I'm fine when inside town, and I know how to move about, but do you just avoid open fields? For example the diagonal path from the west firehall to the north firehall, would you consider it suicide to run through the open field from one end to the other? If so, how do you do it? 




If the server has over 25-30 people I would consider that a sucide run yes. If there is that many peope on I would consider the western fire station (ie the one not by the power plant) a sucide zone as there is almost guarenteed to be a sniper on that hill.


In all honesty if the sever is crowded I would generally stay out of Cherno, Elektro, Bolota and the Bolota Air Strip.

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you know what gets me?


how come some people are so good at spotting players? this is the hardest thing for me when raiding the coast.


I cant see shit, maybe cause im using an hdtv instead of being 6" from a monitor.


yapp, the HDTV could definately be the reason. Just do a gamesessions on your regular monitor for comparision i'd recommend!

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Run like hell, zig-zag and alter your path when you are shielded by a building (approach left, hide, go out from the opposite side, rinse and repeat). There isn't much value in being slow and careful because sooner or later a nearby Z (or a fresh one just spawned behind you) will give away your position no matter how careful you have been.


I looted Elektro more than one time and the fire-station near the hill is a magnet - but if the snipers are crap (most of them are, because really professional guys are located North to look for well-equipped preys and not poor fresh spawns) they won't hit you.




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Always move on grass, when there are roads, try run along the grass to attract less attention. Move from cover to cover, don't even think about going out in the open. And don't check every single building, just get what you really need and get out asap. And one more thing, before entering, scope the city out.

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