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Epoch TheLivingDead UK |300 Vehicles|Debug Monitor|Self BloodBag|Vehicle Tow|Heli Lift|House Lights|AntiHacks|Active Admins|Teamspeak

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Epoch TheLivingDead UK |300 Vehicles|Debug Monitor|Self BloodBag|Vehicle Tow|Heli Lift|House Lights|AntiHacks|Active Admins|Teamspeak

Welcome to The Living Dead Epoch Server

We have just finished adding all the scripts to Epoch just started the server! get your bases set up at the places you want, search for the best vehicles while no one has any, we have admins who will play the server and other admins to keep an eye on it as well, the server host control panel is accessed only by 1 person who doesn't play the server itself so admin abuse won't be able to happen, there's a couple of server rules, no hacking or cheating, no destroying bases, no trader

Camping you can kill players at the traders but don't camp them, also no whining...we do have a teamspeak set up for everyone to have a chat and also ask any questions about the server, a script scanner will be installed soon for extra server protection.


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