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Not interior buildings ,can we change that ?

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NOTE: this will only work if it is possible to change/edit the game models

But I dont know so thats why Im asking if its possible

Hey, i dont know how hard this is but I think its possible.

for example I have seen many buildings in chernarus that have been reused sometimes over the map

but lets focus on the not interior buildings on this thread.

I think they are modeled in fbx format becouse thats what most companyes exports to " what I have heard"

and I was thinking that it is maby possible to import that format back to 3dmax / maya agein and edit the model a bit

by modeling a interior for the building and then recover that with the old model in arma 2, I think it will reset all the buildings

on the map with the new house model. isnt that possible ? I have seen how that worked in other engines to just remake a object and then auto

replace it with the upgraded one, and nothing outside the house area will be infected its just the inside. but I dont know how it is when you are modding

a game but if this is possible maby its something that cud be done by someone that want to offer hes / her time to model a interrior on some buildings, wouldnt be so hard

if this is easy to replace with the older version. Sry for my english it is a bit harsh

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I wouldn't mind remodeling the interior of buildings for Rocket using Maya or 3ds Max but the problem is there are more important things to fix right now than building models. If he ever needed a 3d modeler I as well as many others could help with that but as stated before, bigger fish to fry at the moment.

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I wouldn't mind remodeling the interior of buildings for Rocket using Maya or 3ds Max but the problem is there are more important things to fix right now than building models. If he ever needed a 3d modeler I as well as many others could help with that but as stated before' date=' bigger fish to fry at the moment.


Yeah I know there´s some hoter stuffs to be done first ; ), but I wanted to know if it is possible to edit the models in arma when modding , what do you think ? Im not the best modeler but heres something I made earlier today


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dont worry guys, all buildings in Arma 3 will be enterable and Rocket has already ported DayZ to Arma 3

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dont worry guys' date=' all buildings in Arma 3 will be enterable and Rocket has already ported DayZ to Arma 3


Oh I heard that before ( that every house in arma 3 will be enterable ) but I didnt know that DayZ is ported to arma 3 : o , do you know when it will come out ?

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dont worry guys' date=' all buildings in Arma 3 will be enterable and Rocket has already ported DayZ to Arma 3


Oh I heard that before ( that every house in arma 3 will be enterable ) but I didnt know that DayZ is ported to arma 3 : o , do you know when it will come out ?

Q4 2012. Assuming there are no delays.

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Q4 2012. Assuming there are no delays.

Ah okey , thanks damn thats a long time left : (

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