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Nice increase to 40 players. You might see me in there now from time to time.

I so happy!  :) 


There's no loot however. Not a single item in Elektro.

Yep, loot is under ground. This is a hotfix bug. I'm working on that.

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Bug with loot fixed.

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Sounds like something I'd enjoy, unfortunately I don't have a capable machine at the moment.

Good luck with your server, hope it's still alive by the time I get a decent machine - will definitely give it a shot!

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Day/night ratio changed to 5/3. Winter is coming.  :D

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Many asked us to create group in social nets for communication and cooperation, but we did better:


Let me present Steam group of our server!


A few reasons why you should install Steam and join the group:

- DayZ SA will come out with the support of Steam,

- In the group would be duplicated all news and announcements from our forums,

- Using the built-in chat, you can meet other survivors,

- Opportunity to cooperate not only in DayZ, but in all other Steam games,

- Help of administrators, report an error, report suspicious activities of other players, and etc on-line.

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Server up to!

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Day/night mechanism is changed.

Now restart will occur every 7 hours and after each restart game time will be shifted forward by one hour. It means that 8 real days equal 9 game days. With this system, we get a more realistic game time with floating time zone, and time for all players on the server will change from day to day.

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View distance changed from 2000m to 2500m.

Please, if your FPS will significantly reduced, leave here detailed description about that.

Edited by WmP

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Server up to 1.8.1! Wipe!

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Server switch GameSpy on Steam.


Now to play on our server requires steam version of the game - beta 125548. Therefore all players with CD copy of Arma must activate their keys through Steam: 


Install Arma 2: Operation Arrowhed + addons (optional, for hires textures) as above. After that: 
- Find Arma 2: DayZ Mod in store and install,
- Right click on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhed in game list ---> Properties ---> Beta versions ---> expand the list and select beta -,
- Wait until Steam download patch and if all done right it will appear signature [beta] in the game tile,
- Run Arma 2: DayZ Mod, in a pop-up window select Play ArmA 2: DayZ Mod.
Unfortunately characters of "CD players" disappear, since the server now works with SteamID. So do not be surprised by appearing on beach. Tents/caches and vehicles are intact.
Edited by WmP

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Some very old letsplay i found:


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Server up to 1.8.2!

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many helicrushes on server its normal?

Specify how many? Server has a standard amount of helicrushes. As far as I remember there were 5. But something may change in vanilla mod, so im not sure.

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Близ Старого собора каждые 300-800м горят, жаль не заскриншотил.

Иногда бывает что кучно падают. Это норма.

И впредь пишите в русский топ, этот предназначен для англоговорящих.

Edited by WmP

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server offline?

up already

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Server up to 1.8.3!

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If you have a problem in search of a good hardcore server DayZ SA then I would recommend a server that is now playing itself:




Main features of the server:
- Private,
- Hardcore,
- Standard amount of loot,
- Persistance,
- Good server hardware,
- Good population,
- Restart messages,
- High ping kicks (though not sure about that).
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Server up to 1.8.4. Wipe.

Edited by WmP

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Server up to!

Edited by WmP

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Server up to 1.8.5!

Edited by WmP

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