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Why having a team/squad is such a high advantage & Squad recruitment.

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Okay, so.

My names Reece, i'm 17 and i play with a mate called Jake, who's 22.

we've been playing DayZ since the dawn of the mod and been playing ever since, but as you know, playing with two people, you're at a disadvantage no matter how much experience you have, if the enemy out numbers you or out-guns you, you're most likely dead.

Let me show you how this works.
The human eye can see up to 90 degree's per eye, meaning with two working eyes you see 180 degrees.
In DayZ/Arma, while in first person you only see 90 degrees (fully zoomed out etc), meaning while playing by yourself, you're at a more than 50% chance to get spotted, than you are to spot someone (not including camping a specific bush we all know and love).

Me and my friend have been playing by ourselves in a team of two for over a year and 4 months now, meaning we've essentially been playing the game with more than a 50% advantage on lone wolves, while this is good many people have been seeking help, may that be clans/squads/teams.

The average team on DayZ(DayZero, Over watch and many more) are currently built around 4 or more people, which is, yes, a 50% lead on me and my friend Jake and while we do just fine playing by ourselves, putting up with each others witty banter and harassment it wouldn't hurt to have another, if not a few more people to join me and my mate on our adventures.

We are both british, meaning we "flame" each other, we're rude and we don't give a fuck as most of you english men know!

Add me on skype if you're: British (over 16) or anywhere else over 18, i say this because the humor and jokey side of things is taken very lightly in england and we love a good laugh (not saying anywhere else doesn't but its just preference).  Prefer if you're European, and speak FLUENT engrish.

Hope you had a good read,

Skype: ImReece.


Edited by ReeceSz

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