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4th-InfDiv: Bravo Squadron Recruitment

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4th-InfDiv is a Dayz clan with 4 separate squads: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta.

To join you must complete this application by copy and pasting the template into a reply on this topic. We are a calm group of DayZ players, We simple play the game for fun.

After you have done this please go on our TeamSpeak3 for an introduction: eurots5.gameservers.com:9269



What is your name? :

Male or Female? : 

How old are you? :

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? :

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : 

Do you have a microphone? : 

Where are you from? (country) :

Can you speak English? : 

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : 

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? :

Are you Hero or Bandit? :







Add me on Steam to let me know that you have posted on here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079171516/


Thanks for reading and good luck :)

Edited by Tubbz

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Use this template and fill the application out before you add me on steam



What is your name? :

Male or Female? : 

How old are you? :

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? :

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : 

Do you have a microphone? : 

Where are you from? (country) :

Can you speak English? : 

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : 

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? :

Are you Hero or Bandit? :

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What is your name? : damien

Male or Female? :  male

How old are you? : 14

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 5/7

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : no but I could get it if need be

Do you have a microphone? : yes

Where are you from? (country) : U.S.A

Can you speak English? : yes

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : yes

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 90

Are you Hero or Bandit? : hero

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What is your name? : DarkShadoW

Male or Female? : Male

How old are you? : 17

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 5-7

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : Yes

Do you have a microphone? : Yes

Where are you from? (country) : Belgium

Can you speak English? : Yes

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : No problem

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : idk

Are you Hero or Bandit? : None of both :p

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What is your name? : Collin

Male or Female? :  Male

How old are you? : 17

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 7

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : y

Do you have a microphone? : y

Where are you from? (country) :us

Can you speak English? : y

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : y

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 30

Are you Hero or Bandit? : either or

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What is your name? : Collin

Male or Female? :  Male

How old are you? : 17

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 7

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : y

Do you have a microphone? : y

Where are you from? (country) :us

Can you speak English? : y

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : y

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 30

Are you Hero or Bandit? : either or


You have been accepted!

Please add me on steam I will add you to the steam group. (My Steam details are in the Topic Post)

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What is your name? : Warsaw

Male or Female? : Male

How old are you? : 15

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 5-6

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : Yes

Do you have a microphone? : Yes

Where are you from? (country) : U.S.A.

Can you speak English? : Yes

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : Yes

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 50-60

Are you Hero or Bandit? : Depends

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What is your name? : Ewan

Male or Female? : Male

How old are you? : 13

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 4-7

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : Yes

Do you have a microphone? : Yes

Where are you from? (country) : UK

Can you speak English? : Yes

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : Yes

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 40-50

Are you Hero or Bandit? : Depends


Steam name: Lurked


Skype: EwanMCFC


Just incase you needed them :) thanks


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What is your name? :  CarbinatedMoney

Male or Female? :  Male

How old are you? : 15

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? : 3 days a week

Have you got TeamSpeak3? :  Yes,i do

Do you have a microphone? :  Yes, I do

Where are you from? (country) : United States of America

Can you speak English? :  Yes i can

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? :  Yes i am

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? : 25 - 45 FPS

Are you Hero or Bandit? : I am mostly a Bandit but can be a Hero

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What is your name? :Andrew McDonald

Male or Female? : male

How old are you? :17

How many days a week do you play DayZ for? :4-3

Have you got TeamSpeak3? : yes

Do you have a microphone? : yes

Where are you from? (country) :USA,Washington state

Can you speak English? : yes

Will you be willing to put the [4th-InfDiv] Clan-tag on your arma II profile? : yes

How much FPS do you get playing Dayz Epoch mod? :depends on location of server Id say 30-40 most of the time, I have deceant internet connection

Are you Hero or Bandit? : both, I do what ever I get thrown into realy, if its a shoot out then I obviously shoot back, if It is not then I dont.

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