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Napoleon Solo

Field manual for Bandit Hunters

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Do you have what it takes to be a

- Bandit Hunter - ?


What is a bandit hunter?

Bandit hunters are mere karma warriors, who seek to restore peace and order, as part of a natural urge within.

It takes the best of the best to clean up the mess that is Chernarus - a THRUSH operation gone right. The chaotic and decadent nature of the place, with its many large now vacant facilities, has unfortunately attracted criminal masterminds from all over the world but also plenty a lesser mind looking for a quick buck. It is now up to the famed Bandit Hunter to restore order and to root out all evil in this desolate land. Do you have what it takes to be one too?

Who is a bandit?

There are different types of bandits, with different causes and characteristics. Before we begin, let me give you a brief introduction to a handful.

Your regular thug. Here seen at work

in downtown Elektrozavodsk.


The survivalist extremist. Encountered in the

northern wilderness. Will shoot on sight.


Marvin Elom is rumored to operate out of

the Green Mountain Radio Tower facility.


The criminal survivalist-banditry organization

[NATO]. Operates from the NE Airfield.


Count Zark, the suspected orchestrator

of the complete epidemic. Location unknown.


They may come in many shapes, but they have one thing in common.

"They kill people the way people kill flies --- a careless flick of the wrist, a reflex action."

I've seen one! Now, please tell me how to do deal with one, Napoleon.

- Always carry a rifle for PVP and a lighter gun for close combat.

- Got one of those thugs? Good! Always assume there's another one.

- When assaulting a sizeable bandit camp, strike fast, and vanish just as quickly. Don't bother about neutralizing everyone's karma in one attempt.

- Observe unidentified characters. Approach with caution or avoid contact unless their intentions have been established.


- Shoot confirmed bandits on sight.

- Shooting from afar? Do as you would close up. Switch position after each salvo.

- Don't shoot or snipe from a position where you yourself would look first.

- Watch your background. Make sure you blend in.

- Use diversion tactics, throw flares and smokes to divert attention from your real position.

- Watch out for baits. Usually corpses in open locations or blocked building entries.

- Drop your gun and surrender if it's your only realistic option of getting out of a situation alive.


- Don't travel by road. And never in the middle of a street.

- Go north to gear up.

- Avoid open fields.

- The north star is your friend.

- Drink and fill your water bottles at every source you encounter.

- Remember to gear up with a survival kit of at least

a knife, matches, two water bottles, a hatchet, before going out on a mission.


- Make sure you're proficient with your gun and that the gun doesn't surprise you. Try the appropriate training missions.

- Assume your enemy sees in the dark.

- Death is preferable to the dishonor of killing an innocent.

- Demand identification.

- Report all bandit locations to your colleagues.

- Never understimate THRUSH and their associates.


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