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≡HDU≡ Hell Dogs Unleashed is now recruiting.

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Check Us Out For Further Info: http://www.helldogsunleashed.com

≡HDU≡ is currently looking for more people to help expand our fun in our Dayz Division. We have close to 33 people now playing it and wish to pick up more players like us.

Some things about us:

We are USA based and English Speaking.

We use tactical strategy and military tactics when we play.

We use Teamspeak 3 for our VOIP.

Requirements for you if your looking/thinking to join us:

  1. Teamwork is a must as well as a positive attitude.. NO RAGERS/TROLLS
  2. Teamspeak 3 and a Microphone ( Hard to move or work as a team without communication)
  3. Must be at least 16yrs Old or older with a Mature attitude ( We are an older more mature group so be prepared for cussing and such)

When Joining us you must log into our teamspeak first before we meet up in game.Check us out at the website link above or you can just hop in our teamspeak 3 server and chat with us.TS INFO: helldogsunleashed.clants.net:4234 You can also find us on our server at US140


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Hey guys, thought I'd post and let anyone else thinking of joining =HUD= that its worth it. I joined a few nights ago and had alot of fun meeting up and trying to survive in cherno and such. I'll admit theres not many of us at the moment in this division but if you even just a little curious stop by TeamSpeak3 for a night and join us for fun.

Theres also plenty of people on to play anything if your ever feeling like playing something other than DayZ.

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Sounds good, i got 3 other mates of mine that might join, we are looking for a good group to link up with that are decent at the game (Ie, know most of the map, know how to avoid many battles whether it's banditos or zombies) We are Australian/New Zealanders, so if you don't mind playing with a few down under i'll hit you fellas up within a few hours!

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Sounds great, dont know if I myself will be on due to the time difference but hope we'll meetup soon.

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Hey Auzzii sounds good you should hit us up We are still currently recruiting and looking to expand our numbers please only positive attitudes please no assholes.. :) Thanks

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im based in aus but i work shift usualy 3 days or nights on then 3 off work so times arent to much of a problem as much as ping tho i usually play on US with bout 180 to 230 ping. would like to know what servers you guys usually jump on so i can check when i get off work what pings i would get

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Hey Auzzii sounds good you should hit us up We are still currently recruiting and looking to expand our numbers please only positive attitudes please no assholes.. :) Thanks

Nah mate, were all good, mature people, i am the youngest in the group at the age of 16 and a half, i was recently back stabbed (Was alive for a while) it's fine though, i was with anther group then but i came back to my old mates, we will never back stab fellow players that we work with and trust, hope fully it's the same with you guys :>.

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we up hold a code of conduct and take care of our own we refuse to lower ourselves to backstabbing each other and anyone else that decides to join us.

im based in aus but i work shift usualy 3 days or nights on then 3 off work so times arent to much of a problem as much as ping tho i usually play on US with bout 180 to 230 ping. would like to know what servers you guys usually jump on so i can check when i get off work what pings i would get

normally we play on Dallas servers like Dallas 20 through 24 and eu17 sometimes when it gets dark on the us side just depends really though cause sometimes its hard to find a decent safe reliable server with the new patches so sometimes we change but for the most part we stick with us based servers like Dallas and TX servers we prefer Dallas 20 through 24 but they fill fast on the weekends so sometimes it just depends but we would love to have ya join us sometime. I work Thurs to Sunday off Monday to wed so those would be best to catch me on but HDU has 85+ members so there is always someone here that can help you in teamspeak find your way if you need it till we can meet. Cheers mate for your interest in us hope to see you soon.:D

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I'm looking for a group, live in US, CT, and looking for a more mature (older) group of players. 19, and know how to play the game well.

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I signed up for your site and it wont give me the Validation Email to my aol account. Also my Partner is Quiting Dayz. So i would like to be one of HDU's Sniper. My Account on the this is Filipinokid

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Stop by TS3 if your having issues im sure someone can help you with that problem, we've met some great people so far within just these last 24hours so if anyone else wants to come on and have a great time please do.

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hey guys i just signed up on the website and would love to join the ranks with you guys. I will be on TS and in game tonight so i hope to meet up with you guys. I got shot last night and died so i will be starting fresh.. Cant wait to meet all of you

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≡HDU≡ Is still looking for anyone that wants to join up and have a blast doing it. We currently are still looking for more members to fill one last squad we have if your looking for some fun times and easy going players check us out sometime at the info posted above. Hope to see everyone on our US140 Server....


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I have played with these guys for about a year in many games and no matter what we are doing its a blast make sure to check us out.

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still recruiting come join us at our teamspeak channel

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After joining HDU I've had the most fun in this game that I have ever had. If you are someone like me who has playing this game for weeks alone and are looking for something more I highly recommend this clan it's full of level headed players who know how to have fun.

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≡HDU≡ is canceling our server and moving on Hopefully something similar to DayZ will be developed and will have a better anti-cheat system going cause day z just doesn't really care to buckle down and try and solve the hack issues I also know of at least 5 others that are friends that canceled theirs as well. Its sad such a great game has been run down will this type of hacking and unfair play but what can you do? NOTHING and until they allow people who pay hard earned money to control there server how they feel and support us with a fix to this hack issue I'm done with this game. It's already went viral enough to where someone will build off this idea and we wont see these issues in it either. Good luck fellow survivors I hope the hackers don't find you and they all BURN in HELL.



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