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Problem with rmod2

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I´m trying to connect to this server: but after launching i get this error message:




I tried to remove all those files, but after launching again i get the same message. It eventually says that ALL the files in my @rmod2 folder are not signed by the accepted key.

I just downloaded the rmod2.1 from http://offgaming.us/rmod/download/ and everything should be where they are meant to be. I also tried to remove all other launching parameters from my Commander except the -mod:@rmod2.


Is there something that i am doing wrong or is this server side problem? I´ve tried to contact the server owner about this but still no answer...


Any advice?


Best Regards,




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Ok, thank you...


BUT if I try to launch it without the rmod, it says that i cant play/edit because its dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.rmod. What causes this message then??


Perhaps I just start looking for another server...




[edit: typo]

Edited by PredatorSchnizel

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