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Should I Just Sprint Into Town & Run Inside?

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I have been crawling around towns forever, but with zombies spawning inside buildings, it seems pointless to crawl.

I ran into a large town with an AK and 3 mags and just grabbed as many zombies as I could. I ran into a worn down building with 2 entrances and just waited for them to single file.

One by one I killed them, until I got cocky and tried to kill a juker outside the building.

I feel like if you have a HG/AR and a good amount of ammo, why not just RUN/Crouch into town and find the building with the entrance. Then watch them come single file and kill them until the town is empty.

Then you walk out and collect all the loot.

Do people do this?

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Its a giant waste of ammo. What if there is no loot at all in the building?

You wasted 2-3 mags for nothing.

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I guess, but honestly I try and try to sneak into towns.

I don't get HOW people sneak into a town with 10+ zombies without being seen. I can usually get into the town, but those damn crawlers are so fast they always catch me even in prone.

They get too close and I can't back out in time.

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you need to watch them for awhile, see where they are going.

I know what you mean, they can totally sneak up on you, but if you take the time to scope things out first, you should be able to avoid them pretty easily..

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Since the patch the zombie range is much more reasonable. For the majority of situations stopping and planning your route, coupled with alternating between crouch run and crouch walking works fine.

Also in general trying to rambo lots of zombies can result in either running out of ammo or atracting players.

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I had Binos, I waited and waited and snuck into town.

I get to the place where I need to loot (by looking at the online map), and there are zombies inside...

I have 1 HG bullet left, and I feel like running away is just a waste of time.

So I said F*** it and went Rambo lol.

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I've crept through Elektro, looted the church, the firehouse, the pub, hospital, supermarket, and the second firehouse on a mostly empty server, without being seen by, or killing a single zombie. It's all about patience and planning your movements.

And lining up zombies to shoot is a pretty stupid thing to do. You know who else hears those gunshots? Bandits.

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