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Zombies do not spawn while driving a vehicle

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Date/Time: Tuesday, June 19th, 4:44am

What happened: When I approach any structure or town.. or anything that usually spawns Zeds once approached.. nothing happens. Doesn't matter how long I drive around.. no zombies. If I get out of my vehicle and walk around for a bit they start spawning. This means that if I drive up to a building.. they're always empty. If I park a ways a way and walk to it stuff spawns. Kind of annoying if you're trying to park and grab.

Where you were: I searched in NE Airfield, the town right beside it and a few surrounding areas/structures.

What you were doing: Looking for vehicle parts to fix 2 ATV's. I was driving a tractor. :D

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US 125

*Your system specs:

Intel Quad CPU q6600 @2.40GHz 2.40 GHz

Ram: 8 gb

64-bit Windows 7 home premium

NVidia GeForce GTX 275

Fibor Op connection

*Timeline of events before/after error: I played for about 2 hours, driving all around North East side on the map. It was around 6pm EST and end around 9pm EST

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