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DayZ Group! (OverWatch) TS Server Experienced

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Hello, a friend of mine and I are trying to get a few other players for a small group. We both have played this game for a long time (I've played for over a year now.) We dont mind if youre from other countries but we play on US servers. So if you can speak English and play on US servers you can join. We have a TS server!



What we want from you:

-Be smart

-Dont boss others around

-If we are in a firefight dont talk about random shit like OMG a M9 Mag etc. (if asked to be quiet please just stop talking unless it's important.)


-Speak English fluently

-Have fun (Be able to take a joke)

-Dont be a dick

-Say something if you see someone

-You dont have to be experienced we can show you the ropes



Experience in DayZ:

When you can play:

Where you are from (General Area, US, Canada, etc.):


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Steam: Deathscause



maybe 2 years

can play sat-tues

us east

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about 1 year


after work


Australia(can play US servers np)

Do you have Steam?

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Age: 17

Experience in DayZ: 8-12 months (ish)

Playtime: 4pm - 12pm (not straight but within that area GMT)

From: England

US servers are fine for me to use I think and anything else you need to know just ask.

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Age: 17

Experience in DayZ: 8-12 months (ish)


Playtime: 4pm - 12pm (not straight but within that area GMT)

From: England

US servers are fine for me to use I think and anything else you need to know just ask.

I need your steam

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Experience in DayZ: like 5 months

When you can play: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 16:00 to 18:00. Weekends : afternoon and at night.

Where you are from (General Area, US, Canada, etc.): Brazil



Skype: thiagotrofficial

Steam: thiagotrofficial

Edited by Thiagolgamer

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Age: 25


Experience in DayZ: since beginning


When you can play: every night after 8:30


Where you are from (General Area, US, Canada, etc.):

Eastcoast USA




Edited by robruck

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Age: 19


Experience: Around 6 Months


I can play mostly after school and weekends


I live In Ohio, US


I have a steam. User - matthew34874


I have a ts and a working Microphone 

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