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Repeat Wildernes (Able to move)

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I'm posting a new topic due to many other topics about the wilderness having a specific set of symptoms that my issue does not exhibit.

I logged in to the new patch today, updated using SixLauncher, but did not update the Beta patch.

I logged into the Wilderness. I could move around, see myself in third person, fire my gun (killed a few cows way out there), and see other players. I disconnected, tried different servers, and updated to today's Beta patch. Still no beans.

So I respawned. I spawned near Cherno, spent an hour looking around and finding stuff, then the server reset. I connected to a new server, and got "Connection Failed". I tried several servers, all getting the same results (Pings were under 50, etc). I closed the game, and chose 'Quick play" from the SixLauncher. It connected, got past lobby, got to "Loading", and was stuck there for maybe ten minutes. I hit escape to no avail, so I hit Alt F4, the "Shutdown" dialog appeared, but then Windows 7 thought that it crashed.

Launch again through SixLauncher, connected, I'm in the wilderness debug forest, with my new char. Can run around, hack people to death if I so chose to (I did not), all that jazz.

Disconnect, reconnect to new server, "Server is locked", disconnect, connect to new server "Connection failed".

Search isn't as... varied to find this issue, so I've found.

If this is a new issue, should I bug report?

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Spawned there AGAIN, but managed to find my way to Kamenka.

I promptly glitched through a wall on the top level of a firestation after getting completely outfitted with an AKS Kobra and all low level tools, plumetting to my death.

Alpha's. What can ya do.

Anyhow, this appears to be some what of an issue with the latest patch.

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