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I need 3-4 person squad on Epoch

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DayZ Clan Recruitment

I'm tired of playing solo, and none of my friends play this mod. It's awesome, and you can only get the full experience by rolling with a squad. I play tactical, and my objective is to help those in need. I kill if I have to, whether if someone has a car, and I don't, or I need food immediately, and someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I'll have to kill them. I DO NOT kill fresh spawns. ONLY if they pose some sort of threat, or open fire at me, then will I shoot. If you shoot bambies, then that is your play-style  Be ware though, I won't shoot unarmed, or fresh spawned players. I usually play Epoch, because of the traders and bases, but I will sometimes make exceptions for Overwatch on Namalsk. I play PvP, NOT PvE.

If you want to play with me on Epoch, kill some bandits, help survivors, and build a kick ass base, here are the requirements:

You have to be at least 15 or above. I do not play with squeakers.

At times, you have to be serious. If we are getting shot at, don't talk about your day at school.

Listen to orders: I don't like giving orders because it makes me look like an ass wipe, but if I give an order, at least acknowledge it. I will not be the only one giving orders, and there is no "leader" to this group.

I usually use Skype or TS.

Any other questions, please leave a comment, or PM me. I hope to see you on Chernarus!

Edited by Xonicor

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Hey mate, I am the admin of a DayZ Chernarus Epoch server! It was only started up 2 days ago so it's fairly new. I have quite a large group on the server, we currently aren't recruiting but hopefully you could find some people because we would love a rival clan to get into some tactical engagements against. It has over 100 vehicles, it's also hosted in Dallas, Texas (I'm an Aussie) I get good frames and very rarely minor desync with a ping of about 300! So hopefully you can join!


Server IP:

Server Name: DayZ Down Under- Chernarus Epoch- Active Admins

Teamspeak IP (Always in it): Safari keeps crashing, you can find it in the server

Edited by Blue Pants

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Hey Man,


Ill join your squad,


i play loads of epoch and get bored running through the woods on my own lol


message me 



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I have been wanting to get a serious group going for a long while now. I am 22 and have been playing dayz for about a year. I can play tonight if you get this message early enough.

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Hey! I have been wanting to play DayZ but I can't seem to get into it without anyone to play with. I am free most of the time so just message me when you get a chance.

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Just got bored of Origins which I played for 2-3 months and looking to start Epoch which I hear is pretty fun. 


Age: 18

Mic: Yes


Skype: "collin.me"


Add me on skype, would love to start playing Epoch with a nice group of lads.

Usually play 5-10pmEST 

Edited by worm425

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il join to man im 15 years not a sqeeker skype me remon4731 or steam supernova473 i play loads of epoch

Edited by remon4731

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Hey Xonicor, 


Perhaps we might be of interest? Very relaxed but with experienced players. We don't shoot bambies & do try and help other players. But will return fire if shot at. 


We're a small but growing group, so far there are 3 of us but we're looking to expand. 


Check out our recruitment page if you like, links in my signature. 


All the best, 



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