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Veteran Player Seeking Epoch Squad, Can Provide TS Server

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Hello! My name's Ben, both in game and real life; I'd like to join for a  group or clan, given I've played for a year or so, and just back from a 2 month break, I cannot give you a list of my present equipment, as I've next to none,


I use SIX, rather then commander ( I cannot use commander.. )

I play mostly all day, when not working, or in town.

I have a microphone, and webcam.

I am able to record at -some- points.

I'm English, ergo I speak fluent English with little typo's.

I prefer Teamspeak, or Ventrilo, over skype.

I'm quick to learn,  and prefer a Elite militaristic Clan over a lax, ''Lets have a bit of fun, without caring.'' however do not mind.

I belive myself to be a friendly out-going person,  but ey', judge for yourself!

I prefer patrols, military tactics, squadding, and general military actions over most, as this is how I tend to play games!

I'm eighteen, and Judge myself 'mature' enough to work with 'elitists.'

I'm neither hero, nor bandit, I'm more.. Soldier,

I know how to use map's, and obide by grid's, even without a GPS, If I  have my trusted compass and map, with a  grid referance, I'm fine!

Prefer the patrol, scavenge, over-watch and based operations gameplay over the rest,

Will only play Epoch




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Hey ben! I've come back from a long break from dayz also, and I'm willing to group up as my old server is down until the SA comes out. PM me some specifics and I'll throw in my two cents to help form a squad.

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   Hey, Ben. That sounds pretty good, and from all of the forum posts, this probably looks the best. I've been playing Epoch too, and thats all I really play at the moment. Everything checks out, I guess you can just PM me if you wanna play. I'm up for it.

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Bump, Still searching for a fucking clan.. You'd think with the amount  of new clan's around, one of them would get off their fat arses, and LOOK for players, rather then hoping players would come too them.

Edited by benpowell987

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whats up my name is john, i took a break from dayz for about 3-4 months but im looking at getting back into it and dayz epoch looks pretty cool. i play games using military tactics (well arma games at least). im looking for someone who can take stuff seriously and all that stuff. also im in the Marine Corps so i know my shit when it comes to tactics. also i happen to have a teamspeak server. i did at one point lead a gaming clan for a few months which focused mainly on dayz, we did eventually move to other games and kinda lost contact with everyone after i deployed. also i am deployed right now so times might get a little messed up. pm me if u have any questions, id love to come play with u guys

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