Xianyu 820 Posted September 13, 2013 I haven't seen enough of the infection levels in the current DayZ to really speak on them (as I have stopped playing DayPvP while waiting for the standalone). But as far as I can understand, the infection hits you, you lose blood every second or so, and that's about it. I have been 'infected' in DayZ 1.7.7 I believe, before zombies could infect you with their hits. So it was basically just a cold. But me and my friend ran from Starry down to Cherno to loot a hospital and get antibiotics... and then to Elektro after that when my friend accidentally deleted the biotics he was picking up. Point was: I was sick, and ran across country, on a night server. No fucks given. My suggestion is that the infection should have different levels, not just in the amount of blood it takes, but the effect it has on your character. Stage 1 is starting to get infected, no problemo bro. Stage 2 you start to lose blood, and lose the ability to sprint and running becomes difficult. Stage 3 you lose blood faster and you can no longer run. Period. Stage 4 you are delirious and unconscious and can only be healed by a friendly with antibiotics. The stages aint nothing new. Probably been suggested before, even. But I'm also going to suggest that laying prone, sitting down in front of a fire, or just in general waiting halt the progress of the infection largely. As well as hydration and hunger levels playing a part in slowing it down. This would encourage teamwork on an entirely new level. If you're infected, your best chance is to sit tight and wait for your friends to help you. If you're a lone wolf, then your best bet is to hightail it for the nearest hospital and hope there are antibiotics there. Obviously, one of the first things you think is 'people will just log out'. Which is why I'm also suggesting that from stage 2 onwards, logging out and then logging back in on ANY server that your character is connected with causes the infection to accelerate massively. This will kind of help people not log out, and would stop them from running to the nearest hospital and server-scumming to find antibiotics. And for the people who complain about this removing the idea of the lone wolf? It doesn't stop you from being a lone wolf at all. Just carry antibiotics. Can't find any? Find a friend then. Yes, this idea would basically force your character to sit still for a protracted period of time if you get infected. And while I understand that no one really wants to sit still in a videogame... it is realistic, neh? You want the best chance of surviving an infection? Then your best bet is rest, staying hydrated, and not stumbling around in the forest in your skivvies looking for some pills. And this would largely apply to those people who get hit a lot by zombies (myself included in the high end spectrum of that scale seeing as I die more from zombies than other players), and don't come prepared. No more jaunts in the forest without antibiotics! And for those that hit stage 3 of the infection and don't have antibiotics, friends, and no chance of getting to a hospital in time? Well, that pistol would be starting to look mighty friendly about that point, wouldn't it? And for the inevitable 'this will make the game too hard' argument, I have only this to say: I don't particularly remember that the DayZ experience was supposed to be easy, forgiving, or fair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 13, 2013 For SA, pretty much all we know about infection and diseases is that, to the best of the devs' abilities, they will model them more closely after real-world symptoms, causes and treatments.With that in mind any suggestions made will likely fall short on the authenticity front, unless you're reading them straight from a medical encyclopaedia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leviski 2152 Posted September 13, 2013 I didnt read all of your post, mostly because id like to tack on that Rocket has stated that the diseases will be a bit more "in-depth" in the SA this means that a zombie will only have a sickness tagged to it if it A: walked through a viral hotspot B. Attacked a Player that was sick And as for the sickness, there will be 11 different variations of disease and sickness in the SA, so fret not you will not have to deal with the terrible infection system we have to deal with currently. (Im sorry to all of those Mod Devs that put hard work, but you just cant have a good system when the zombies get a % chance to infect you) And to add on more, I will say that in the new patch for the mod having a 1% infection rate is good, for the current system anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites