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Map is too big?

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Quick question:

Is this your first experience with Arma?

I'm only asking because a great many people aren't used to the large scale of Arma.

And I'm not trying to talk down to you about COD or BF3, I'm just trying to make a point.

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Quick question:

Is this your first experience with Arma?

Why are you bringing up Arma? I am not playing Arma, I am DayZ.

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A: They can't just make the map smaller, not unless you want to play on a different map. Sure they could try to make one, that would be a huge project.

B: The size is fine, any smaller and we'll be dead too quickly.

C: It's Alpha, give the game some time before we know how frequency of interaction is going to work out. More vehicles kicking around, some sort of missions, bases, could change all that.

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Yes and when I play Defense of the Ancients I am playing Warcraft 3.

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I do believe you're confused.

DayZ IS Arma with Chernarus villagers posing as Zombies.

Everything you touch, do, see....Arma.

Hope that helps your confusion.

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Just that the gameplay would not suffer if the server could handle 100 players. The map is fantastic and able to handle more players without it becoming crowded.

But since Arma 2 is not able to handle more players the discussion is pointless.

It's not Arma 2's fault that most servers stick around 50 slots. It's the cost of a server and bandwidth capable of having more than 50. This mod is *expensive* to host! 100 players or more isn't impossible, it's just damn costly.

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first of all, it's called "Chernalag" for a reason. second, I think I saw Rocket mentioning his plans were to make a custom map exclusively for DayZ eventually

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The size of the map has nothing to do with server lag, in fact I would like it to be even larger. I agree with increasing the number of zombies though.

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I've played this mod smoothly with over 50 players and 1200+ zombies. It's all about the server (helps if you have better than wet string for your internet connection too).

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I swear to god, if you CoD bishes ruin this game with you BS complaining and forcing hands to nerf awesome things about games like this... I will fucking find you... and throw you into a fire of aids.

Seriously.. go fuck up some other game.

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I wish you elitests would stop calling anyone who disagrees with you cod/bf3 fanboys.

Is the map too big? Maybe, it's not really about the map, it's about the player to size ratio. I feel like the current map is too big with only 50 people.

How that makes me a cod fanboy is beyond my understanding.

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Chernarus is not too big.

You're looking at the wrong side, the problem isn't the size, it's the lack of vehicles to travel through that size.

I mean why no bycicles at all ?

Why no more motorcycles ?

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I wish you elitests would stop calling anyone who disagrees with you cod/bf3 fanboys.

Is the map too big? Maybe' date=' it's not really about the map, it's about the player to size ratio. I feel like the current map is too big with only 50 people.

How that makes me a cod fanboy is beyond my understanding.



People like you are the reason games get nerffed to shit.

Seriously. And, yes, you are probably a CoD kid... It's not elitest, it's the truth.

The game is a post apoc simulator, with zombies. The map, is huge, for a fucking reason... that is so we don't have some dinky CoD firefight, all day fucking long.

I am sick of seeing people talking shit about what they don't know... and pressuring the devs to castrate awesome things in video games.

Just stop... breathe... and if it still doesn't float your boat... Bounce!

Don't input your BS, like... "The map is too big... especially with only 50 players..."

That is the way the game is supposed to be.


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I do believe you're confused.

DayZ IS Arma with Chernarus villagers posing as Zombies.

Everything you touch' date=' do, see....Arma.

Hope that helps your confusion.


When people tell their stories about this mod, it isn't about "Oh man I ran for 20 minutes and saw nothing!!!!" It is the building of suspense from interacting with other human players/Having a mob of zombies on their tail. Do I want to see each town with atleast 5 players in it? no not at all, but I would like to see another player after clearing 5 towns.

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Basically people that think this game needs smaller maps, so they can firefight more, are the people that don't have shit for imagination.

This is where we have ended up with entertainment. We have to suffer because the majority have already set off on their path to "Idiocracy."

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I get what you're saying Kilt.

What I'm saying is, this isn't an instant gratification game.

Arma is slow and methodical. It's a very intricate and, well the only word I can use is HUGE game. You may walk for 30 minutes and not see another person, that's the game.

Sorry if you don't like it, but that's how it is.

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I wish you elitests would stop calling anyone who disagrees with you cod/bf3 fanboys.

Is the map too big? Maybe' date=' it's not really about the map, it's about the player to size ratio. I feel like the current map is too big with only 50 people.

How that makes me a cod fanboy is beyond my understanding.



People like you are the reason games get nerffed to shit.

Seriously. And, yes, you are probably a CoD kid... It's not elitest, it's the truth.

The game is a post apoc simulator, with zombies. The map, is huge, for a fucking reason... that is so we don't have some dinky CoD firefight, all day fucking long.

I am sick of seeing people talking shit about what they don't know... and pressuring the devs to castrate awesome things in video games.

Just stop... breathe... and if it still doesn't float your boat... Bounce!

Don't input your BS, like... "The map is too big... especially with only 50 players..."

That is the way the game is supposed to be.


That's a cute little rant you've got going on. You even have a stolen catch phrase. Good for you, it's funny that the map and player count don't have anything to do with dayz specifically, but you're willing to blindly defend it.

I said the map MIGHT be too big with 50 players and you flip out about cod and gtfo etc...

Grow up.

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I get what you're saying Kilt.

What I'm saying is' date=' this isn't an instant gratification game.

Arma is slow and methodical. It's a very intricate and, well the only word I can use is HUGE game. You may walk for 30 minutes and not see another person, that's the game.

Sorry if you don't like it, but that's how it is.


This is not Arma, this is DayZ, the author just used the engine to bring this concept to life.

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That's a cute little rant you've got going on. You even have a stolen catch phrase. Good for you, it's funny that the map and player count don't have anything to do with dayz specifically, but you're willing to blindly defend it.

I said the map MIGHT be too big with 50 players and you flip out about cod and gtfo etc...

Grow up.

He's just fucking mad because people have other opinions and he don't want " his vision " of the game ruined by " casual faggots ".

In fact he's afraid. But don't mind about him.

That being said, i don't think Chernarus is " too big " at all. I just think there should be more ways to travel faster than foots. Bycicles is a pretty convenient way.

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You're still confused I see.


Just because you're using a Mod doesn't mean you're not playing Arma.

I'm not sure why you're having trouble grasping this concept.

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You're still confused I see.


Just because you're using a Mod doesn't mean you're not playing Arma.

I'm not sure why you're having trouble grasping this concept.


Arma - Ground infantry simulator, with some air combat touches

DayZ - Zombie Survival horror Sandbox.

Two totally different concepts. Look at the front page of DayZ, you see anything "Arma" about it?

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I do believe you're confused.

DayZ IS Arma with Chernarus villagers posing as Zombies.

Everything you touch' date=' do, see....Arma.

Hope that helps your confusion.


When people tell their stories about this mod, it isn't about "Oh man I ran for 20 minutes and saw nothing!!!!" It is the building of suspense from interacting with other human players/Having a mob of zombies on their tail. Do I want to see each town with atleast 5 players in it? no not at all, but I would like to see another player after clearing 5 towns.

You are in the wrong towns. If you want to see other players, they are all in cherno, electro, or NW airfield. If they fix the problem of player bunching around certain spawns, you will see more people roaming hte country for supplies. As it is now, people just camp the high player areas to deathmatch.

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Dude, when you start the game up...

Does it say "DAYZ" on it?

No. It says Arma.

I'm really laughing over here that you think that this game is DayZ.

DayZ is a game MODE that you can play on Arma basically.

Everything you do in the game is pure Arma, using the DayZ MOD.


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