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New Player...Been online for a week.

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Evening everyone, I am new to ARMA 2 and DayZ. Been playing for about a week maybe a bit longer, just trying to stay alive, even though I think I have died more by trying to be friendly then by zombie attacks. But anyhow, just looking to get some tips and advice on what to do, maybe some good starting servers where I can learn the ropes and still have fun. also side note and sorry if I should not be asking this hear, but anybody know what no one can see my text or hear my voice while I am in direct chat, tried updating, but this is the biggest problem I am having with the game. Thank you in advance for all your help and I hope to maybe meet some new players to play with online.

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Direct chat only works in a certain radius (distance from you). Use Direct Chat if you see someone enter a building, for example, and you enter behind them. You'd switch to Direct Chat and say "friendly coming in!" or whatever you want to say, and then only players (and zombies) within a certain area near you can hear or see what you say.


Look at my post here for further explaination:



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I can help you out anytime dude. If you want to get started and stuff go to http://adults-play-corner.enjin.com/ and you can check our server if you want. I will not be online until this weekend, but if you follow the forums youll know what is going on with the server and I can help with anything you need if you post in General Discussion or message me on there.

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Direct chat only works in a certain radius (distance from you). Use Direct Chat if you see someone enter a building, for example, and you enter behind them. You'd switch to Direct Chat and say "friendly coming in!" or whatever you want to say, and then only players (and zombies) within a certain area near you can hear or see what you say.


Look at my post here for further explaination:




I kind of figured you had to be close, but the other night I did try to team up with someone and standing right next to the looking at the, they could not hear nor receive any of my texts or voice while I was in direct chat. I did the updates and  have yet to try direct chat and get a response.


I can help you out anytime dude. If you want to get started and stuff go to http://adults-play-corner.enjin.com/ and you can check our server if you want. I will not be online until this weekend, but if you follow the forums youll know what is going on with the server and I can help with anything you need if you post in General Discussion or message me on there.

Cool thanks. My work schedule makes it so that I am online from 12AM too 2 or 3AM (longer if I'm really in a game) and maybe during the day from like 11AM to 130PM. All times are Pacific.

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I get the direct chat not working issue with friends all the time.....if you both log out (not jus to lobby....all the way) then back in it usualy cures it....for me anyway ;)

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I am Cap'n Cook on those forums.


I am going to try to get on your server this weekend, maybe even tonight, but I am not going to be on until after midnight PST.

Edited by QuikSilvr

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try us3480, its busy! You're almost guaranteed to find someone nice who'll take you around. Plus all the assholes that'll kill you, that's really fun as well!


I reside on us 229 right now. Good server with a good mix of regulars who are friendly and not. Stop by for a visit, we'll hook you up!

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new player section provides a lot of tips topics if you want to check.

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new player section provides a lot of tips topics if you want to check.


Yea I have been checking out random posts and what not. Defintely finding lots of help. Thanks for the tip to.

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