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AntohA (DayZ)

looking for a squad to play with.

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Been playin dayz for ages, now I wanna play with a squad in dayz epoch. I'm 22 y/o, ex-millitery so I know tactics and shit, looking for a squad (4 ppl max) to play with, prefferebly 18+ (no offence, but thouse squicky-like teenager voices annoy me lol)

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Oh forgot to mention, I don't care how good u are in dayz, aslong as ur a team player, and btw, my timezone is gmt +2. And my akype is: soulrus911 (I think) would be better if u left me a replay on this post with ur contact info.

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Would like to join aswell. Been playing for several months, I'm pretty resourceful; got lots of endgame gear in my bases, choppers on several servers etc.


Only thing is I play on the main hive (vanilla dayz). if you want to play on a different map I wont have anything, but I don't mind starting over :)


oh and I'm 21 

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Bandit, I would really like you to join us, I was planning to play on epoch dayz and build a base (should be really fun now with the new module-building system) so if u want, ur more that welcome to join.

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Thnx shrome but as I said be4 (or atleast I think I did) I don't rlly like clans, since they tend to be less relayable and generally have a high population of douches. (No offence intended, just personal expirience)

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Its OK, I can assure you that are clan doesn't have a "population of douches". :D


I think you should try us out man.

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Regardless, clans tend to be less..... organic, if u know what I mean, I prefer to play with 1-3 same ppl continiusly than constantly have ppl switching.

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Can I join you? I'm sixteen but I can promise I'm not squeaky  ^_^

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If you ever are looking for another person to join you guys I am down. I am 21 years of age and been playing dayz for over a year on many mods. Hit me up if you would like. 


Skype -  air.perlmutter

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hello all, the names CH4OS. i am creating a new 4-6 man squad. we will run through skype unless we get enough support to buy a teamspeak. we are neither heros or bandits. we survive. 


- must be 16 years of age or older

- must have 2-3 moths experience in arma or dayz

- must be able to listen and take orders if needed

- must be a team player


if you feel you fit these areas, add me on skype- joeyohara1 were i will do a short interview. we need 2-3 more players. Btw we do do youtube

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