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Flawless Domination Need's YOU! (16+) DayZ Clan Recruitment!

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DayZ Squad Recruiting!


Im currently trying to get my own squad set up. However im only looking for specific players to join the squad. Down below i will bullet point what im looking for, and i will also link a video witch explains everything. Thanks.


  • Over the age of 16 - This is because im currently 18 years old, and its not my thing to play with people alot younger than me, so i have set the age barrier at 16+ 
  • Decent quality microphone - Im looking for players with awesome mics, with 0 background noise, witch includes parents coming in and out etc etc.
  • Team-player - The sqaud will work best with team players only. We don't want someone who will take everything for advantage.
  • Serious gamer - We want someone who takes the whole game serious. Is very active and good at the game. 
  • Skype/Ts3 - We will be using these to communicate, so you must use either one of these. 
  • Youtube - I will be recording the footage we get for my youtube channel, so if you also make DayZ content for youtube then make sure to get in touch.

Watch this video for more information, what where looking for and why! (CLICK HERE)


If your interested in joining the squad, then make sure you get in touch, but make sure you answer the bullet points above, otherwise your post will be ignored. Leave your Skype name with your post, or message me it via YouTube, DayZ forums.


Thanks. :D 

Edited by ItsLee

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Hey, I'm an experienced dayz player looking to join a squad.

  • I'm 27
  • I have a good surround headset with a good mic (no background noise )
  • Great team player
  • Able to play everyday
  • skype: brawsomebro

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Hey, I'm an experienced dayz player looking to join a squad.

  • I'm 27
  • I have a good surround headset with a good mic (no background noise )
  • Great team player
  • Able to play everyday
  • skype: brawsomebro


Added on skype, make sure to message me, and i will sort the final information out with you. Thanks

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