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Crusader|custom map| Rmod 2.1| Self blood bag| auto refuel| Ai's| Starting loadout| Everyone one is welcome!| Friendly admin's

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Welcome to the DayZ Crusader's server

Here is the info on how to join our server:


Come and visit us on our website:


We will be setting up donations soon to where you can get a custom load out and some other cool things.


We have very friendly Admin's and Mod's. If you have a problem with any of them then please contact me at "[email protected]om"!


Here is a list of scirpts we have in the server:

  • Auto Refuel
  • Tow/Lift
  • Self Blood Bag
  • Custom Debug Monitor
  • Increase heli Spawn
  • Full Moon Nights
  • All Roads Clear (but some roads have stuff in it because of our custom map)
  • Own Customized Loading Screen
  • Own Customized Map
  • Ai's (Hero's, Survivor's, Bandit's, and Soldier's)
  • Admin Tool's for Admin's and Mod's




We also have team's on our server. Crusader is a clan but broken down into team's we have three team's as of now and we are Recruiting!


  • SAS
  • BushWookie's
  • Other team name is not decided yet!

We all thank you for playing the server and stay with us.

Hope you have fun and kill some Ai's and other Survivor's

Edited by blackoutz1

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We are now adding in a new team. The 3rd team name is still to be decided. Also the 4th team name is not decided if we are going to heave a 4th team or not. Join our team speak 3 if you want to join us and become part of your clan. Also our clan members get access to special items in the server we own.

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New sripts that we are trying and will be getting in the server!

  • Remove parts from cars
  • % on loot spawn
  • Burn tents ( may only be for admins we will see how it turns out)
  • Also lowering the infection on Self blood bag. the infection % is way to high
Edited by blackoutz1

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Sorry guys i have been a way for a while and i am now going to start on working on the scripts! 

i have been back in school for a while now so i don't have much time to do some thing's so i am planing on having a grand hire for people being promoted to 

  • Admin
  • Moderator

We only will have two super admin's as of now. Me and my other friend. 

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Our new admin's and mod's have not been decided. We will post on here when we have decided who is going to be new admin or mod.

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New Admin's: DemonWolf, and one of my old friends

New Mod's: Have not been decided who is going to be next mod's



DayZ.ST is now supporting DayZ 1.8 it may take a while if i have update the scripts.

I will be working on them as soon as i find a updated version.



Edited by blackoutz1

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If you would like to pay on the server please still us

We will be using till the scripts are updated to 1.8

Yes we will run 1.8 but only when scripts have updated to the version!

Thanks for playing!

Dev team

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I am planing on chaging this server to a Breaking Point server if you guys would like this then please reply!

If you would like a diffrent mod then please reply what one!

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We are still looking and waiting for the scripts we have to start updating to 1.8 but it still dosnt look like its going to happen soon!

DayZ Crusader Dev team

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If you have Rmod2.1 installed then come and join us on the server. Last night we had a amazing dog fight with WW2 planes.

It was 3 Nazi planes vs 1 American plane. People say " best thing i ever saw happen on a dayz server".

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Sorry about that guys but server was shutdown for a few days do to the scripts we tried to put in messed up.

Only one of use at the moment had the files and no one else did.

We have fixed the problem and are now breing the server back up.

Sorry about no informing you about this but the person who had the files couldnt contact us.

He didnt have enternet for a couple of days as his provider had a cut wire but they couldnt find out where to find it.

He got online and told us he fixed it!

Crusader's Dev team!

Edited by blackoutz1

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We still have no idea when the scripts are going to be updated as DayZ 1.8 is a diffrent and smaller file it seams like.

It will be a while probly till scripts have updated.

We thank you for playing with us and staying on the server.

Our owner is about to set up a donation center so you can get special vehicales, loadouts, and more!

Please do come and play on our server.

We are bery friendly admins and do not take admin abuse very lightly.

We have had to remove admins due to admin abuse and they will never get the power back.

Crusader Dev and Admin Team!

Edited by blackoutz1

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We are working very hard to get some scripts working in the server. The ones we are puting in wont work as of now.

We are trying to get some custom skin's into the server that Rmod2.1 has but we have no date of when it will be added in.

We tryed it and it crashed the server so we took it out.

Crusader Dev Team!

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Sorry we have not made a post in a while.

We are in the middle of making our own minecraft server and the owner of the DayZ server is a Developer on two minecraft servers!

He is also helping witht he minecraft server as it was his idea to run his own.

We are still going to run the DayZ also so please come and play!

Crusader Dev Team!

Edited by blackoutz1

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DayZ server is being shut down and we are going to be working on running a minecraft server.

We are sorry but we have noticed not alot of people get on this server so we are shutting it down!

Crusader Dev Team!

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