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Mr Waffles

Dayz The Hero Squad

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H guys

I want to assemble a team of heros,preferbly about 5 people

That go around chernarus helping bambis and killing bandits

I already have a server to play on sooo yeah


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 and killing bandits



Eh, this bugs me.


In my eyes (and in many its different) being a hero is simply dont KoS. regardless of bandit skin.


Hunting bandits just makes you no better, your simply doing the same thing that bandits do on a moral high ground, there is a reason hero's dont get humanity for killing bandits, and thats one of them.

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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Eh, this bugs me.


In my eyes (and in many its different) being a hero is simply dont KoS. regardless of bandit skin.


Hunting bandits just makes you no better, your simply doing the same thing that bandits do on a moral high ground, there is a reason hero's dont get humanity for killing bandits, and thats one of them.



The hardest part, in my mind, is determining who is deserving of your wrath. I think it's clear to everyone that the skin/humanity system is, at the very least, flawed. Simply identifying your bandit through appearance will not work. You could camp a city or airfield, and watch for shady dudes or snipers, but that method delays them at best. They'll just respawn and go terrorize someone else in another location. Your time as a hero could be better spent helping others, instead of hindering baddies.


Go set up a community loot tent in Elektro and give out free medical service. I've found that works best.

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Kinda what we do over at tmw.

I know, that's why I hang in your TS.







Even as we speak...

Edited by CornProducts
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