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Looking for a partner or team - Vanilla DayZ

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21/UK - (Prefer not to use a mic unless you're around the same age group.)


New to this game, although i have a good understanding of the map and all the items needed to survive ect.


Finally got rid of my bandit skin (Got it via self defense in stary), Looking to get a hero skin, but i've been finding it difficult infiltrating cities on my own, finding the patient and curing him without being shot.


I'm a very cautious player who likes to scope out the situation before entering, i'm not your average run and gun.But having those extra pair of eyes and an extra gun would help. So if anyone is looking to get a hero skin on Vanilla, please feel free to message me on this topic.



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Hey i would be interested in playing with you if you want :)

You have a similar play style to me and i know enough about the game to help you i guess....

add me on skype: wills.daniel.97

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