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DayZ Game Giveaway - powered by Qtbear

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Hi guys, Qtbear here!

So basically i've started to play dayz a few months ago, right now i'm really close on this game and i'm trying to play as much as possible, i'm always streaming my dayz gameplay on Twitch.tv but 

I need your help on this so please follow me on my channel:


Details removed



See you in game guys!


Edited by Fraggle

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Hi.  I've removed the details from your post for now.


Just to clarify:  We do not allow our site to be used for sub/view begging, even if that's linked to a give-away.  The only game give-aways we allow are true give-aways with no strings attatched.  I hope you understand, we just don't want our forum to be spammed with YTers and Streamers all begging for views.


Please feel free to promote your stream on our forums but keep the promotion and information regarding giveaways etc. to the channel itself please.  Many thanks.

Edited by Fraggle

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To build on what Fraggle said - we do allow users to post in the Livestreams topic* when they're streaming, or post videos freely in the Gallery**.


* http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134881-dayz-other-livestreams/


** http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/13-dayz-gallery/


Other advertising/sub/follow-begging is not allowed though.

Edited by mZLY
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With that in mind I'll lock this - OP please do feel free to make another post about your stream whilst taking into account what we've suggested above.


Many thanks.

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