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looking for day origins/overwatch team

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hi i am looking for a dayz team/community to play some origins and overwatch with.


i am 26 male and from manchester england i play dayz pretty much everyday and want to start playing with some other people. i have ts3 and a mic so if any1 fancies it just comment on here.

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Hey there, My name is Brosef. And i'm in the guild/Clan CSF Czech Special Force's.


We are kinda of badass if i say so my self.

But who am i to talk i have only been in the CSF for a while now. Its been hell of allot of fun.

we dont have that many memebers. That means not that many rules ;D we have like 6 memebers  :D


Come check us out, if you want  :D out Team speak IP : ts.Dayzhorror.com we are in the Czech Special Forces channel.(who would of guessed)


Are rules are this;. Have fun,You need to be at least 13. Dont kill Fellow Clan member's, Have respect for other's dont be Racist the basics. And most important. have a WORKING MICROPHONE 


:D lol i might sound a tad bit strict but im not im really fun  :D cpme and check us out if you like  :D


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