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Looking for a dayz clan

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Im a 16 year old brit and im looking for a dayz clan on origins but to be honest i like all the mods so dont care that much. Im pretty new to the game and am anything but experienced. i have a good mic and im usually the friendly kind. I dont care what nationality you are as long as you speak english and have a mic. what im really looking for is a small group of people who are online regularly and good at banter. I also want to make a YouTube series on dayz. please reply or PM me if your interested and breifly describe what your like.

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Hey there mate you should join The Chaos Vanguard! You don't have to mess around with going through an application process, all you have to do is jump on teamspeak and have a chat then we will get you introduced to the guys.

We currently own our own Origins server which has only recently been setup, but we'd open to playing any mod you prefer to play and we're up for trying new mods!

if interested just jump on teamspeak and poke anyone with a shield! :) 

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Hey there, My name is Brosef. And i'm in the guild/Clan CSF Czech Special Force's.


We are kinda of badass if i say so my self.

But who am i to talk i have only been in the CSF for a while now. Its been hell of allot of fun.

we dont have that many memebers. That means not that many rules ;D we have like 6 memebers  :D


Come check us out, if you want  :D out Team speak IP : ts.Dayzhorror.com we are in the Czech Special Forces channel.(who would of guessed)


Are rules are this;. Have fun,You need to be at least 13. Dont kill Fellow Clan member's, Have respect for other's dont be Racist the basics. And most important. have a WORKING MICROPHONE 


:D lol i might sound a tad bit strict but im not im really fun  :D cpme and check us out if you like  :D

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