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Ammo and Magazines

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Have you ever been in game and lets say you have a revolver it takes .45 ammo And hey look you found some .45 ammo but wait.....This ammo is in a magazine for a m1911.

My suggestion is to make Ammo and clips seperate.

In order to let people choose to keep a certain weapon they like EX the m1911 and fill it with a guns ammo that is the same but from a weapon you do not like EX Revolver.

Adds a little realism since you will find many more ammo boxes than clips. (takes out the unrealistic every bullet is in a magazine look adds a lot more realism reloading in fights.)

Ammo Very abundant

Clips/zip clips Not so abundant actually only found in the pile with the weapon. (every weapon has a defualt magazine it can never lose)

And maybe find a spare magazine or 2 with the gun. (loaded or unloaded)

Post comments thoughts troll me whatever, ^_^ enjoy

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Don't know the mechanics but if it's implementable it'd be very nice addition. It'd, however, require some tuning of current item sizes in inventory (m249 box eats 2 slots but holds ammo for nearly 7 mags).

Adds flexibility and removes the occasional frustration to lack of mags that fit, even though the ammo itself is in plenty.

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You're not the first person to mention this i think, and it'd be a great idea.

I'd also like to see SD weapons compatable with non-SD ammo, but with a slight noise cost, since i believe most weapons will use the same ammo, 'silencer' or not.

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You're not the first person to mention this i think' date=' and it'd be a great idea.

I'd also like to see SD weapons compatable with non-SD ammo, but with a slight noise cost, since i believe most weapons will use the same ammo, 'silencer' or not.



It's silly how M9 is different from M9SD, For all concepts of this. If anything, they should add slow-ness on the character if he's holding 5 guns.

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You're not the first person to mention this i think' date=' and it'd be a great idea.

I'd also like to see SD weapons compatible with non-SD ammo, but with a slight noise cost, since i believe most weapons will use the same ammo, 'silencer' or not.


Realistically your correct silenced weapons do not have some special silenced ammo the silencer works on suppressing the back pressure gasses and tunes the noise down Not some special no noise gunpowder.

Al tho a suppressor also lowers your range by as much as 1/3rd the original accurate firing distance.

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You're not the first person to mention this i think' date=' and it'd be a great idea.

I'd also like to see SD weapons compatible with non-SD ammo, but with a slight noise cost, since i believe most weapons will use the same ammo, 'silencer' or not.


Realistically your correct silenced weapons do not have some special silenced ammo the silencer works on suppressing the back pressure gasses and tunes the noise down Not some special no noise gunpowder.

Al tho a suppressor also lowers your range by as much as 1/3rd the original accurate firing distance.

To be even more realistic you could still keep the silenced ammo in the game and just rename it sub-sonic ammo. A silenced m9 can still fire normal 9mm rounds and you get a slight decrease in sound. However, if you would load it with sub-sonic 9mm rounds you lose more range and power but you gain a significant drop in sound compared to super-sonic ammunition.

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@ Klaangen i just was looking that up to make sure my stuff was correct and found that sub sonic ammo and it works exactly how you explained it.

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You're not the first person to mention this i think' date=' and it'd be a great idea.

I'd also like to see SD weapons compatible with non-SD ammo, but with a slight noise cost, since i believe most weapons will use the same ammo, 'silencer' or not.


Realistically your correct silenced weapons do not have some special silenced ammo the silencer works on suppressing the back pressure gasses and tunes the noise down Not some special no noise gunpowder.

Al tho a suppressor also lowers your range by as much as 1/3rd the original accurate firing distance.


First off, to proper suppress a gunshot, the round needs to be subsonic, which means less gunpowder, so yes, a special cartridge is needed if you want a "silent" shot.

Second, adding a silencer does not lower your range nor your accuracy, quite the opposite, adding a silencer is just extending your barrel, so firing a normal round would yield better range, and perhaps accuracy if your weapon is well maintained.

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Riis show me some fact about this since a silencer is not a barrel its a bunch of rings to create grooves to stop the gas from leaving the barrel and supersonic ammunition also has a heavier projectile to have the mass to go the sub sonic speeds and is only quieter than normal amunition That by no means makes it more accurate ( Al tho on some guns it reduces the backpressure and does make certain weapons more accurate ) Nor does that limit you to using subsonic ammo. With a silencer you still get no muzzle flash using regular ammo so finding the shooter would be much more difficult and would be quieter but not absolutly silent like sub sonic ammo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressor

(Back to my original post Riis why don't you comment on that or are you just trying to troll?)

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Riis show me some fact about this since a silencer is not a barrel its a bunch of rings to create grooves to stop the gas from leaving the barrel and supersonic ammunition also has a heavier projectile to have the mass to go the sub sonic speeds and is only quieter than normal amunition That by no means makes it more accurate ( Al tho on some guns it reduces the backpressure and does make certain weapons more accurate ) Nor does that limit you to using subsonic ammo. With a silencer you still get no muzzle flash using regular ammo so finding the shooter would be much more difficult and would be quieter but not absolutly silent like sub sonic ammo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressor

(Back to my original post Riis why don't you comment on that or are you just trying to troll?)

Hate to piss on your cornflakes but Riis is right. with a 'standard' round there is little/no loss of accuracy or range. The problem comes from using the subsonic ammo, which obviously due to the smaller charge won't be as fast and effective as a result.

Hence my request to be able to use standard rounds in SD weapons, but at a cost of a little more noise.

Little issue with the arma engine is the SD bullets still make the sonic 'crack' as they pass. bleh

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From what i was reading if the weapon is made specifically for sd rounds it uses a diffrent back pressure for the bolt the ammo provides the pressure a larger round in a sub sonic weapon would not cycle correctly but i could be wrong

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Read my post, it clearly says, firing a normal round would yield better range etc...

Now if you knew anything about silencers, weapons and how they work (and didn't just read a wiki made by someone's who's been playing counterstrike all his life) you'd know that when you fire the round (a normal round) the gasses are behind the projectile and only behind it, propelling it forward through the barrel, as it leaves the muzzle the gas escapes, making a bang.

Ok now put a silencer on that weapon, you now have a longer barrel, gasses are still behind the projectile, projectile reaches normal speed as it enters the silencer, some of the gas is trapped in the silencer, but not all of it, the projectile is still pushed forward gaining more speed.

now following that train of thought, how does that decrease the range? how does it not affect accuracy (in a positive way) that you have a longer barrel?

yes if the projectile hits one of the rings in the silencer it will loose speed, loose accuracy, and most likely destroy the silencer, but silencers are built so that shouldn't happen...

Ok, now on to your post (I was just stating a fact to the guy that talked about silencers)

Yes, ammo and magazines should be seperate, I'd also like to be able to find boxes of tracer rounds so that i could load my magazines with 2 tracers, 13 rounds, 1 tracer, 11 rounds, 3 tracers (example of my M4 mag load in afghanistan).

It would also enable people to mix std. rounds and SD rounds if they were short, instead of having to have 2 seperate mags with x amount of rounds in one and y amount of rounds in the second.

However, i don't think this is going to happen with the arma 2 engine. But i hope it'll be a feature in the Arma 3 engine :).

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