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(Overwatch) Looking for good team players

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Hello survivors, I am looking for a squad of better players, I'm not looking for any role in particular but as long as you are mature and excellent at the game - I want YOU.

I play the mod Overwatch, so if you have never played it before - don't message me. I am looking for 3-11 players that have played for more than 6 months. I don't mind if you were playing it on and off, but that is the minimum. I do not want to play any other mods and I would like you to be able to accept being killed, know how to have a laugh and have at least a minimum to military language. I live in the UK, so European time is fine, as long as you speak fluent English. (I don't mind if you don't have the best accent.) I'm looking for active members, so please try to - I accept if something unexpected happens, we are all people. If you have read this far, well done. Write 'pineapple' as the Skype adding request message and I will be sure to add you. I have a friend who will play next week, he is a good player. 


In conclusion, I want mature players with a sense of humor that have played for over 6 months, within 8 hour timezone, that also knows military language and that is active. thank you people, that is all. I will put my contact details below.


Add "z7z Krazzy" on Skype, also you could PM me on here, any queries - please be sure to leave below.

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I contacted you via Application. If you could respond with your prefered way of contact we can get things on the way =D.

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Hey there, My name is Brosef. And i'm in the guild/Clan CSF Czech Special Force's. We mostly play Overwatch and basic Dayz, We are thinking of starting Wasteland as well 


We are kinda of badass if i say so my self.

But who am i to talk i have only been in the CSF for a while now. Its been hell of allot of fun.

We are serious 48% of the time. So don't worry about that kind of stuff 

we dont have that many memebers. That means not that many rules ;D we have like 6 memebers  :D


Come check us out, if you want  :D out Team speak IP : ts.Dayzhorror.com we are in the Czech Special Forces channel.(who would of guessed)


Are rules are this;. Have fun,You need to be at least 13. Dont kill Fellow Clan member's, Have respect for other's dont be Racist the basics. And most important. have a WORKING MICROPHONE 


:D lol i might sound a tad bit strict but im not im really fun  :D cpme and check us out if you like  :D

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