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Looking For somebody to play DayZ with!

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I only speak english. Whatever play style you like, Ill play it. Ill play any mod. Add me on skype @ connor-.-mclean

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drb is looking for new people at the moment ts info here : ts55.gameservers.com:9438

pass : shootfirst 

no caps or spaces hope to see you there 

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If your looking for a group or clan to play with, jump on this teamspeak: ts.dayzhorror.com

There u can choose from many great clans / groups available

Hope to see u there :) 

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Hey there mate you should join The Chaos Vanguard! You don't have to mess around with going through an application process, all you have to do is jump on teamspeak and have a chat then we will get you introduced to the guys.

We currently own our own Origins server which has only recently been setup, but we'd open to playing any mod you prefer to play and we're up for trying new mods!

if interested just jump on teamspeak and poke anyone with a shield! :) 

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