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PhreaK (DayZ)

Zombie Detection Sucks!

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Please.. please!! change back the zombie detection to how it was. this new one is stupid for the new players getting no weapon at the start.. they'll be running... not knowing what they'll be doing.. and ofc people run....

i was crouching through elektrogorsk... when i stand still and i see from inside of the city a zombie running.. and i was on the sea bed.. so i still continued playing.. and i look behind me a zombie comes and hits me... instantly made me bleed, broke my leg, and ofc.. i dont get my starter gear like i use to.. so there i am bandaging myself, while i have this zombie on my ass, just hitting me.. how am i suppose to do something??? when i have no gun!, no Morphine, and no more bandages. due to the fact! you kinda ruined it by removing the gun.... and putting Zombie detection and hearing Way to far up!

im pretty sure many people have this problem!

But all i want is it to be changed back!!

Thanks, PhreaK :P :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@

Bump :?

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