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global and sidechat removal in the alpha phase

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Now please give some thoughts to this thread before going on gtfo mode. I agree with most people that says that DayZ is supposed to go for the most realistic type of survival possible, and that global chat is dumb in this context.

I must always point out the fact that some factors need to be considered. Removing the chat options created 2 kinds of players. Players with a mic and players that don't. I keep stumbling on people who never respond to my warnings ( hello only audio direct chat ). If they were bandits, I'd just agree this is normal. However when I get closer to someone being swarm and I can't even tell him that i'm here to help and shooting zeds, not him, there is a problem.

Unless half the survivors are mute, we should at least be able to type something to nearby survivors.

Also, the thing I consider one of the most expected item is the *radio system*. Now, if they were already introduced in the game, I prolly wouldn't even be writing this thread, but meanwhile, the lack of communication tools is turning survivors almost like zeds by attacking on sight anything that moves.

I personally think that on a realistic level, it is more common for a group to stick together and try to survive then stay alone and kill every human that moves. Any thought about this?

(If you want to tell me that it was already discussed, please don't bother. All I'm asking for is a temporary communication replacement, not a complete comeback of the global and side chat)

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Unless I've been horribly unlucky, I've tried several times to use text on direct chat to communicate with strangers or friends, with no result. I also never saw a single message posted on the direct chat neither.

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Beloozero seal of approval. The only way for anyone to go in a pack and feel safe is if you planned it out beforehand. Anyone you find on the fly could potentially be your killer (or your victim, if you roll that way). It's quite unrealistic to call to someone in Balota from Electro.

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but thats the point ! It could potentially be your killer. On the situation right now, its more of a KOS then anything else, thus the lack of realism on that part too. He could betray you later on and take your stuff, not shoot every human he comes across...

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Beloozero seal of approval. The only way for anyone to go in a pack and feel safe is if you planned it out beforehand. Anyone you find on the fly could potentially be your killer (or your victim' date=' if you roll that way). It's quite unrealistic to call to someone in Balota from Electro.


and why cant this just be a choice that is server side? i mean if people want global chat than they can go to a server that allows it. If someone feels as if it detracts from the game they could just join a server that disallows it. Why make either party unhappy when you could make both happy on their preferred servers....

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It's all server admins, unfortunately. Some want the realism, some don't. Hell, maybe they just want to get people angry with their uptight server rules :P

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I agree.

lootable radios.

Side chat only for radio voip. (Text disabled)

Radio range 1k unless blocked via objects.

Radio frequencies/channels from 1-100

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kinda sad that they removed side channel... I cant ask noob questions. dont want to alt-tab every time and come here to ask a question then have no one answer it.

Direct channel is alright. Last night when my friend was killed I was running around to get away from zombies. I was talking in direct channel because I heard shots. I was saying, "friendly friendly"

I even typed it out, the guy shot me so I shot back. Later he said he could not hear me and did not notice the white text after a few minutes of bitching at me why I killed him.

Long story short, Side channel was good to make sure someone was a friendly in town before venturing in, if no one responded you knew that they were hostile and to keep distance/hunt them. Text stood out more too.

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since the removal of these chats i find the game has become quite a bit more boring, its like the entire social aspect has been removed, i may as well just go play stalker.

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You're not alone friend... I just wish Rocket would let the global chats on while we wait for the radio/phone system of 1.8 . I know he's pretty busy already, but I can't say I really enjoy playing anymore... Guess I'll come back when the next patch is up !

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yeah that would be a great radio system and I'm really looking forward to it's introduction to the game ! I'm convinced it would had a new twist to the old solo survival or prematched groups.

no it would be horrible

you may as well make everyone spawn naked and go have to find pants and a t-shirt

and when it rains if your not using a unbrella you need to do washing if your outside in it

if you dont do your washing and go to a dry cleaner you get to cold and die

side/global channel needs to be put back

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To me the game is waaaay more immersive and spooky without all that innane global chat taking up a 1/4 of my screen. Personally, I don't want to be forced to have to see it. I think it serves a purpose, but it should be toggleable so you're not forced to see it splashed across your screen if you don't want to and if you prefer a more immersive and realistic game. If it can't be made toggleable, then please just remove it altogether. Really takes you out of the moment to see all that silly chitter-chatter scrolling up every second.

P.S. Same goes for the debug monitor. Please remove it or make it info you can access with a key, where it doesn't stay on your main view at all times unless you want it to. I'll be so glad when that gets hidden.

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