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Long time Dayz player looking for a group to join

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Hi I have been playing DayZ for well over a year now and I am starting to get a little tired of playing on my own. I am currently fully equipped and have just reached day 60 with my character. If anyone wants a new member to there team whether its old or new I don't mind. I'm 18, I have access to a mic. Thank you for your time!

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What time zone/region are you in?  I'm somewhat restricted in my play times because my DSL network is oversold.  I don't have a vanilla public hive character at the moment (died about a week ago and have been playing DayZero) but it would be fun to try to get geared up again and partner up!  If timezone/region work out I'll hit you up with my skype name.

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yo dude we have our own origins sever, just a group of mates through the game where aged around 18 -24 welcome to up jump on and see if you like origins if you havent played it before.


skype adam.ibberson



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Hey I'm part of a UK based clan called the Dark Angels. We're currently looking for more members to play DayZ with, we range in age from 15-30. If you'd be interested feel free to contact me through one of the following...

Skype - Cazamarooney

Steam - Nitromanic

Teamspeak - ts.darkangelsgaming.com



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yer ive played with u before dude when dayz first came out 

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Hi I have been playing DayZ for well over a year now and I am starting to get a little tired of playing on my own. I am currently fully equipped and have just reached day 60 with my character. If anyone wants a new member to there team whether its old or new I don't mind. I'm 18, I have access to a mic. Thank you for your time!

Join this teamspeak: ts.dayzhorror.com

Have multiple clans for  u to choose from and choose which one suits u best :)

Hope to see you around

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Hey there mate you should join The Chaos Vanguard! You don't have to mess around with going through an application process, all you have to do is jump on teamspeak and have a chat then we will get you introduced to the guys.

We currently own our own Origins server which has only recently been setup, but we'd open to playing any mod you prefer to play and we're up for trying new mods!

if interested just jump on teamspeak and poke anyone with a shield! :) 

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