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Statik (DayZ)

Dropping Garbage After Healing

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So, I would hope this has been suggested before, but I'm going to re-post in the case that it hasn't and also for that YOLO factor.


In ACE, after you give someone medical treatment (i.e. Bandages, Morphine, Epi, Medkit, etc) there is remnants on the ground such as:


- Bandage Wrappers

- Empty Syringes

- Bloodied Rags


I think this would be awesome in DayZ. If you're in a firefight, and move in, you can realize that you did hit your opponent, and they are hurting. I also think it would be great to stumble through the bush, or a town, and come upon a spot that is covered in empty bloodbags, bandage wrappers, and syringes.



Edited by Statik
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I like it, Rocket has said in the past he wants to add systems that allow you to track people, we already have empty tin cans so hopefully this is on the cards too. 

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i'd like to see also a blood path..like if you cross a road or go inside a bush while bleeding you leave red juice everywhere..i think the remainings of medical treatment are a MUST in the SA at least..really welcome in the mod, i appreciated a lot leaving tin cans

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Totally agree with this idea, it's immersive seeing spent syringes and bandage packets as well as blood on the floor after huge firefights in ACE, almost makes it chaotic.

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