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SpiderGaming.org - Got Friendly?

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We are a UK-based gaming community with English-speaking players from all over Europe.

* SpiderGaming.org *

If you are looking for a mature, after work hang-out place with a good sense of humour, we're a fun set of people to hook up and play games with.

We've gotten heavily into DayZ in the past week (thanks, Rocket!) and are interested in bringing in a few more decent people to play with. Check the site for more information and come join us on Ventrilo if you're interested in playing with us.


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Well, ye can all go to Cherno. Bunch 'o views and no posts. :P

But we've had a couple of visitors in Vent, which is nice to have. See you there.

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I am from the UK and I recently started playing DayZ so I'm not very good at the game, therefore I have been looking for a group of survivors to play the game with and noticed you are looking for players. I would be interested in joining.

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Get on Ventrilo. You certainly aren't the first. We've already had 4 or 5 people from the forum join us over the last few days. You'd be more than welcome.

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What server(s) do you play on? I live in central US and am playing with a friend and we are both looking to join a larger group. Safety in numbers :)

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We're UK based and most of our members are in Europe, so time zones might not work out for you and your mate. We've had a few from the East Coast, but you might want to look for something more local.

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im based in aus but i work shift work so times arent to much of a problem as much as ping tho i usually play on US with bout 180 to 230 ping. would like to know what servers you guys usually jump on so i can check what pings i would get

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We're on NY84 at the moment with a few vehicles to our collective name. Check the site to see if we're online or not. Join in Ventrilo.

We've had a lot of international recruits so far from this forum. There's nothing like being in a pack of 6 heavily armoured players. Fantastic fun, that is.

Join up!


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We're on now if anyone wants to join. NY84

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We're on now if anyone wants to join. NY84

were abouts in the map? i wants to join!

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i will defo be lloking to join your group/clan :) Im from the UK myself and have been searching for a group/clan for quite along time now. I normaly play from 23:00GMT onwards so i hope there are a few of you who are late night players ;)

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Hey guys, glad to see all the interest. The good news is we've got people on both early and late. It's quite the international bunch. Check the site for a live list of players on Ventrilo. You need a mic (as Zummy found out)!

Download Vent and come play with us. Details are on the site. I'll sign you up if you decide you're sticking around and get you your [sPIDER] tags. We've got players on right now and likely for most of the day.


were abouts in the map? i wants to join!

Sunnz - We're all over NY84 thanks to our growing set of wheels, but typically NE near the 'Krasno' area. Here's a screenshot from yesterday (29-June):


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Anyone else looking to join, just let me know. :)

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Looks awesome, i would like to join but a little cautious :P

Do you guys just mainly raid barracks? and are you KOS?

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Kill on sight? No, we're not like that. We're a friendly bunch. Here's the policy:

1. No unprovoked killing of other players. Avoid other players if you spot them first.

2. Gunfire is always hostile. If engaged and under threat, return fire.

3. If you catch player killers (bandits) in the act, you may engage them. Make the world a better place.


Rumpelstiltskin - I've replied to your PM. Join our public Vent server and play with us!

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I might hop on and play with you guys, sounds right up my street. I'm bored of lone-wolfing it now!

I'm based in the UK and play most evenings and during the day on weekends.

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Hey ive recently started playing DayZ and obviously not very good yet, would like a group to learn and play with, have a headset and from uk so should be on similar times... Is anyone on now?

What server are you guys in now if your playing?

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Hi would it be ok if I joined you. I been playing a few hours a day for the last 3 or 4 days since i got arma off steam but havent been able to get far with it. I normaly play lone wolf style on other games and it does me fine but I realise this game is more than I can handle on my own.

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Go on, join us on Ventrilo.

We have already recruited 10+ from these forums from Australia, USA, Israel, and the UK. You will be among friends soon. Gun and car toting friends, that is!


Edited by Zimtok5

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Bad Koala here. Just posting that I'd like to officially join :D

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Props to Booker, one of our newer SPIDER members, as he just got beans from Rocket after swapping dinner stories. Nice one, mate.


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